摘要: | 《玉簪記》是明代高濓所撰傳奇,《明史》無高濂傳,欲考察其籍貫家世,須由其父之墓誌銘入手。另觀其作品,當亦能知其身處的環境,與生活狀況。他的傳奇除《玉簪記》外,猶有《節孝記》。另有詩文集《雅尚齋詩草》、《芳芷棲詞》,和雜著《遵生八箋》等。《玉簪記》的本事,歷代學者皆說出自《古今女史》,實際上卻與雜劇《女真觀》的關係更密切。由於流傳甚廣,明清兩代有很多刊刻,今流行的本子,大多出自明萬曆間南京地方刻本。 本劇歷代曲家的評價都不高,但清代李漁在《閑情偶寄》對戲劇結構提出立主腦的論點,《玉簪記》雖為先出,套用之亦符合。寫書生潘必正與道姑陳妙常在道觀歡會的故事,一線到底,是愛情、功名與禮法三者衝突的重要題材,充滿著委婉又優美的抒情風味。文詞優美處,更在人物情境的刻劃。 明末清初到民國以來,《玉簪記》盛演〈茶敘〉、〈琴挑〉、〈問病〉、〈偷詩〉、〈姑阻〉、〈失約〉、〈催試〉與〈秋江〉諸折,折子戲經過舞台的錘鍊琢磨,於長期實踐中逐漸完善,舞台特點分外明顯,和原傳奇的單齣自有原貌新顏之異,或精粗之別,該劇能流傳至今,除本身故事精細有趣外,藝人讓單齣成為經典折子戲的加工亦非常重要。1985年後,上海崑劇團製作的《玉簪記》小本戲,已是當代極受歡迎的經典崑劇,在多人注目與嘗試接觸與製作下,使得該劇在如今戲曲界愈發著名。 “Story of the Jade Hairpin” was written by Gao Lian in Ming Dynasty. However, since there was no record of Gao Lian in the official history record, we could only study about his life from his father's epitaph. Gao Lian’s works included “Story of the Jade Hairpin,””Jie Xiao Ji,” “Fang Zhi Qi Ci,” and “Zun Sheng Ba Jian,” and more. Most of the scholars in the past believed that the “Story of the Jade Hairpin” originated from “Gu Jin Nui Shi”, but when examined more closely, “Story of the Jade Hairpin” actually resembled more to the work of “Nui Zheng Nunnery”. Since “Story of the Jade Hairpin” was widely spread, there were many versions available during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today, the most popular version is the one from Nanjing during Wanli era in Ming dynasty. This particular version of the play vividly portrayed the love story between the young scholar, Pan Bi-Zheng, and the young nun, Chen Miao-Chang. It was a story intertwined with conflicts of human love, social morality, and scholar honor. Over the past 400 years, fragments of this play such as “Tea Party”, “Flirting with Strings” ,“Visiting the Patient”, “Stealing the Poem”, “Aunt’s Block”, “Break an Appointment”, “Urging to Exam”, and “Autumn River” have been performed extensively . Moreover, with the addition of new elements from different time periods, the “Story of the Jade Hairpin” has evolved even until the present days. For example, based on the presentation and new arrangements from the famous Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe since 1985, “Story of the Jade Hairpin” now contains sophisticated tunes, delicate dialogues, and elegant movements appropriate to the cultures nowadays. All in all, the “Story of the Jade Hairpin” has been one of the most popular and defining plays in the history Kunqu opera. |