在整個CAD模型的建構過程當中,自由曲面造型所佔的比例越來越重,同時,為了因應各種原因,去要求自由曲面的造型必需能夠局部的自由加以變更,使其符合各式設計需求,為目前熱門的討論主題。本論文的目的在於提出一套曲面自由編修(Free-form deformation)的演算法,並且能夠達到設計變更的目的,另外也探討曲面平滑(Fairing)的主題,以求在編修的同時,能夠得到較佳的曲面品質。 首先基於NURBS的數學模型來作分析,將其在曲面變更時所求出的各式解之限制條件以及改善方法作一討論。接著配合最佳解演算法來做為曲面變更的核心,最後在以拘束條件的加入方法作為最後的步驟。經由以上所提出的演算法,將能夠提供一個曲面造型編修技術的基礎流程。 In CAD modeling Systems, the proportion of Free-Form surface is heavier and heavier. Meanwhile, in order to solve various kinds of demands of designing, we have to change ordinary CAD model. The purpose of this research lies in proposing an algorithm and procedure of NURBS shape deformation, via various combination of constrain condition to control shape deformation. At first, we do analysis of NURBS mathematics model and construct various types of limiting conditions. Then three kinds of methods be proposed, for improve limiting conditions before shape operation. When we start to determine shape parameter of modification, this paper presents an optimization algorithm method. It is the core of whole procedure. Second step, we can not only use basic shape modification function but also combine the constrained condition. At the end step, further fairing methods were used to improve shape quality in shape modification process.Based on this discussion, provide a integrated procedure for shape modification method by means of which one can control shape arbitrarily.