由於太空科技的進步,太空船探測任務所帶來的科學資料,把我們和各個行星(和彗星及小行星)的距離都縮短了很多。所以我們可以由從地球物理、大氣科學及太空電漿物理所學,直接應用到不同的行星環境,發掘新知。我們這個富有特色的計劃之重點是放在外太陽系的行星(木星和土星)及其衛星系統的大氣層和磁層電漿之相互作用的研究。主要分項為(1)土星環大氣層的成因和演變(2)土星系統的中性氣體雲及磁層電漿的互相作用(3)土衛一泰坦的大氣層及離子之構造和磁層作用(4)土衛二Europa和土衛三Ganymede的大氣層和行星磁層的作用(5)水星的大氣層構造和太陽風作用。參與這個工作團隊的研究生將可受培育成這些領域的專家。 In-situ measurements and remote-sensing observations from spacecraft have shortened the distances between us and planets and other solar system objects . We can now apply what we have learned from geophysics, atmospheric science, and space plasma physics to a broad spectrum of interesting problems intrinsic to different planetary environments. The main emphasis of our research proposal is on the magnetospheres of the two major outer planets, namely, Jupiter and Saturn, and the atmosphere-magnetosphere interactions of their satellites. Because of our past scientific work and experience, we know this project is quite unique even in the international arena. Five specific items are identified for the related research activity in the next three years to be supported by NSC. These include: (1) the ring atmosphere and its plasma interaction; (2) the structures and dynamics of the neutral cloud and magnetospheric thermal plasma of the Saturnian system; (3) the structures and dynamics of Titan’s atmosphere and ionospheres; (4) magnetospheric interactions and surface processes of the Jovian satellites, Europa and Ganymede; (5) the exosphere of Mercury and its solar wind interaction.. Graduate students participating in these research projects will receive top-level training and acquire broad knowledge to become experts in these scientific areas. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907