下顎骨因為外傷腫瘤或某種原因所造成的缺損,目前醫學界常使用腓骨自由皮瓣作為重建,以恢復病人的外觀及正確的咬合。目前下顎骨重建技術比較困難的地方主要有二點:一,重建手術時,醫師需要穩固且準確的上下顎咬合關係,來幫助醫師測量下顎骨缺損範圍並作為手術依據。如果缺乏好的咬合關係,則無法達到理想的重建;二,目前缺乏一種簡單有效的方式,並進行腓骨切割。本計畫希望發展出即時、準確且迅速的方法測量下顎骨缺損,並協助醫師準確的切割出理想的腓骨接觸面,以方便進行下顎骨重建手術。研究流程分三個階段,第一階段:利用電腦輔助設計方式設計腓骨切割用紙模型;第二階段:設計與製作下顎骨缺損部位方位與尺寸量測用可調式器械;第三階段:結合前兩階段的成果,發展以磁場式定位器進行下顎骨缺損部位之手術定位實驗,並撰寫一套實用的電腦輔助下顎骨重建手術用程式。期待此一研究對下顎骨重建手術有實質的助益,包括重建手術的精準率及重建後的美觀程度。For mandibular defects caused by tumor resection or trauma, we often use free fibula flap for mandibular reconstruction so that the facial profile and correct occlusion of the patient can be re regained. The current problems of mandibular reconstruction are: first, surgeons require a steady and correct occlusal plate for measuring the size of mandibular defect and for surgical guide. If there is no reliable intermaxillary occlusion, reconstruction will be difficult. Second, the best way for performing fibular osteotomies in a simple and exact way is still in pursuit. In this project, we want to develop a fast, correct and time-saving method and system for measuring the defect of the mandible for reconstruction. Especially for patients who have lost correct occlusion. Also, the system will help the surgeon to perform fibular osteotomies in a simple and correct way. There are three stages in the development of this system. First, we will use computer-aided design method to develop a paper model for fibular osteotomies. Second, we will design a mechanical device to measure the mandibular defect and for performing fibula osteotomies. Third, using bone model and electromagnetic spatial measurement system for the measurement and reconstruction of mandibular defect. We hope that the research results of this project can help the surgeon to perform mandible reconstruction in an easy and correct way, achieving the purpose of regaining good mandible profile and exact occlusal plane. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907