本研究計畫是以計畫主持人所發明之Grating-Slit 光學測試法作為計畫研究之學術基礎。此量測方法已由本實驗室多次實驗驗證,並發表在國際知名之學術會議與期刊中,是一個具有高度量測動態範圍之光學量測方法。計畫初期將利用現有的量測硬體與相關之量測軟體技術,改進原先的Grating-Slit 實驗架構,以一創新之「X-Cube 零像差極化分光鏡系統」發展同軸時序式雙向量測技術,提供精密同軸量測對位的方法,並有效消除對位像差,進一步提高其量測精度。在結合使用微透鏡陣列技術後,此量測法更能延伸到量測光學系統的全像場像差。計畫中之光學檢測系統將是第一個有能力「同時量測多點全場像差」的光學系統,可量化一般成像光學系統中所產生的全場像差。此量測全場像差技術將進一步應用至3D Light Field Imaging,目的為結合此計畫法展的多像場量測技術,使其可以矯正Light Field 所獲得之光場資料,讓Light Field Imaging 不再受像差之限制,而能創造出更精確之大角度3D 視場影像,將Light Field 的可用視角與景深精確度提高,突破延伸景深成像系統的幾何像差限制,並可藉由多場像差的消除來簡化3D Imaging 鏡頭設計,進而減低其成像鏡頭的製造成本。The principle of this academic research is based on the invention of the research leader, the Grating-Slit optical test method. This test method had not only proved by our lab for many times but also has published the measurement results in international conferences. It has a very high measurement dynamic range. At the initial stage of the research , we are going to use the equipment and the software we already had. And a novel “ Xcube polarized beam splitter” optical device is proposed to solve the problem of precision alignment. After combining the micro lens array and the associated technology, we are able to be the first in the world to measure Full field aberration simultaneously. The application of Grating-Slit test method will ultimately be the Light field Imaging. The goal is to use the full field aberration measurement technique to correct the Light Field imaging data such that we can have a aberration free light field data. Thus, the Light Field imaging can have a wider field, more precise image depth. This is a breakthrough in the extended depth of field imaging in the aberration field. 研究期間 : 9808 ~ 9907