科技日新月異,電腦運算速度的提升,使得電腦不僅為生活中重要的幫手,更是工廠生產線上不可或缺的主角,工業上的機械視覺應用廣泛,視覺檢測、影像追蹤、精密定位…等,皆可透過電腦幫忙完成。而機械手臂也為工業中自動化最為便利的設備,它的活動範圍廣,可塑性高,能因應不同的環境,配合不同的設備方便且有效率的達到組裝搬運的功能。 本研究主要以Visual C++為基礎,建立一個圖形追蹤定位的影像視覺系統,結合四軸機械手臂完成空間平面上的定位,系統包含兩個重要部份,第一部分為機械視覺,以影像卡擷取影像後,透過二值化、邊緣化、特徵比對找尋所要目標進行定位,第二部分為運動控制,以第一部分機械視覺所運算得的目標位置,透過軸卡對機械手臂四軸同時進行控制。 Automation of the factory is more and more popular since the microprocessor becomes faster in recent years. Since the robot was devised, it has been used in the several manufacturing tasks such as welding, painting…ect. The machine vision is more and more correct and quick, especially in graph identify and position. The combination of robot and machine vision would replace manpower and be popular in the feature. In the study, we introduce how to combine the robot system and image process system. We design a user interface that the robot and image process can be used and complete the several image processing algorithms.