在逆向工程的產業中,3D模型的建構是非常重要的,因為此建構的結果會嚴重影響產品的品質,但每位建構者的經驗不同,其建構方法亦不相同,當然得到的精度,花費的時間、金錢及面臨的問題亦完全不同。因此如何讓建構過程簡化或標準化,並得到精度更高的3D模型是逆向工程必需發展的重點。本文中,使用了正向設計的觀念,並從基準面的選擇,基準面的確認,輪廓線的建立,Pro/E中實體建構,拔模角的建立,圓角及斜角的處理到組合件的建構,有很多的探討,歸納各種不同的建構方法,提供了一套結合模具製作觀點及機構設計觀念的建構方法,並定義出一套機構零件建構標準流程,希望讓所有建構者有一個依循的建構流程,都能以最少的時間,得到最高精度之3D模型。 The technology of 3D modeling is very important in the reverse engineering field because it will significantly influence products. The method of modeling is different from designers due to their different experiences so that the accuracy, the spending time, the cost, and the problems that designers face on are totally different, too. Therefore, how to make it simple, standard, and it also has higher accuracy are the principal things for the reverse engineering. In this paper, apply the concept of forward design, the datum plane, and the sketch. There are various methods of modeling induced in order to combine model manufacturing and mechanical design, finally define a standard procedure. Under this circumstance, all designers can accomplish 3D modeling with less time and more accuracy.