使用電腦輔助設計建構汽車鈑金模具的方式,在汽車產業中已經十分成熟,這其中包含了許多鈑金製程上的專業知識與模具製作流程。近年來,隨著汽車產業的發達,如何加快鈑金模具的生產週期,亦成為了各個汽車鈑金廠的追求目標之一。尤其是在補修業的汽車鈑金廠,更想跳脫以往使用石膏翻製的流程,希望由逆向工程的方式產生電腦輔助設計圖,導入到後續自動化分析與建構流程的目標。 汽車鈑金模具依功能共可分為四個主要部份,即引伸、裁邊、整邊與沖孔。各個工程的設計皆需依各模具的功能需求進行電腦輔助設計圖上的設計變更。所以在電腦輔助設計的操作上即分為逆向工程及四工程這五個部份。若需簡化操作流程,則必須瞭解各部份之要項並進行步驟上之修正方能達成目標。 本文主要探討逆向工程與電腦輔助設計在汽車鈑金模具各個製程上的製作進行探討。藉由實例操作的方式,綜合歸納逆向工程與電腦輔助設計在汽車鈑金建構時的應用流程、操作步驟與建構時的問題點,並提出修正方法進行流程的改善。 The use of CAD systems for the mold design of sheet materials has been used for a long time in the automobile industry. Mold design requires knowledge of sheet materials and the process of making molds. With the rapid development of the automobile industry, speeding up the product cycle of manufacturing sheet metal has become a goal for automobile factories This is especially important for marketing after the production is finished. It is hoped that, by the use of reverse engineering for automating the CAE and building process, the process of converting gypsum mold to data usable by CAD systems can be improved. The process of making sheet metal molds requires four steps: drafting, trimming, flanging, and pressing. In each of the steps, parameters and variables in the CAD model need to be modified according to the function for the sheet metal. To simplify the manufacturing process, we must know the requirements to be able to finish the process. This paper discusses each step in the process of drawing automobile sheet metals using a CAD system. We run a demonstration and summarize the application process, operation steps, and problems encountered in using a CAD system. We also show methods that improve the whole design process.