本研究係在採用實驗計劃法(Design Of Experiment,簡稱DOE)找出影響印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board,簡稱PCB)微鑽針鑽孔品質之最佳鑽孔參數。本研究係利用PCB廠內量產設備進行實驗,採用其廠內實驗板進行DOE 第一及第二階段實驗,並將其得到之實驗結果於量產板上進行再現性實驗,由再現性之實驗結果得知與DOE之實驗結果相同;本研究所得到之實驗數據與相類似實驗相比,本研究是在量產環境下進行,而非於實驗室內用較為嚴謹設備實驗,故本研究得到之結果較符合量產環境,並實際於量產上得到驗證。 為了了解主軸轉速與主軸進刀速對於孔位精度的影響,本研究將主軸轉速維持不變,而將主軸進刀速進行變化,由慢進刀速至快進刀速,記錄每個階段孔位精度變化,並進行廻歸分析,所得到之實驗結果與DOE實驗結果相同。 由本研究之實驗結果得到一組最佳參數,分別為主軸轉速100 Krpm、主軸進刀速為45 IPM、主軸退刀速為1000 IPM、上蓋板為0.2 mm鋁板、下墊孔為2.5 mm木漿板、孔數設定為1500孔及使用TCT UCNY 0.35*5.5鑽針;在此最佳參數下,可得到最佳的孔壁品質及孔位精度。 We adopt Design of Experiment as known as DOE to figure out the most proper operation data for PCB micro drill series. This research is using internal production facilities to process the experiment. We take internal using test boards to process the first stage and the second stage experiment of DOE. Afterwards, we use the given result to do the reproducing experiment on the target boards. To be self-evident, the result of reconstructive experiment is as the same as DOE experiment. Taking the statistics from this experiment compare to other similar experiments, this experiment was performing under the mass producing environment instead of exact experimental condition as laboratory. Therefore, the given result is suitable for mass producing environment, which has been proved by the mass production. We could get the best hole wall quality and accuracy as well through using above operation data. On the other hand, according to the comparing principle of the experiment, we set fixed spindle speed and adjusted feed rate from low to high and recorded the accuracy variation. At the same time, we were doing the regression analysis, the experiment result we got was as well as DOE experiment. Therefore, the result from this experiment is more suitable for the environment of mass producing and which was proved indeed. We had the best operation data through this experiment, which is as below: a. Spindle Speed:100 Krpm b. Feed-in Speed:45 IPM c. Reverse Speed:1000 IPM d. Entry Board:0.2mm Aluminum Board e. Backup Board:2.5mm Wood Board f. Hit Limits:1500 hits g. Drilling Tool: TCT UCNY 0.3 x 5.5