本論文研究實作設計一微型氣渦輪機發電系統平台,進而測試其發電效能,研究步驟有三,第一部分為燃燒器的設計改良,在燃燒器(Type:4020-3HP, North American)之噴嘴出口處,加裝了一燃料噴射器以及一漩渦產生器,並以甲烷做為燃料,使空氣與甲烷之間的混合大增,進而使燃燒完全,有效縮短燃燒火焰長度並有較佳的火焰穩定性。第二部分為燃燒室的設計,將第一部份之改良燃燒器安裝至具有內外艙室的燃燒室進行測試,內外艙室是一必要的設計,功用為避免高溫火焰直接接觸燃燒室外艙內壁面,造成壁面受熱變形。第三部分則將系統平台整合,針對燃燒動力、渦輪機組以及發電機等三種主要設備,進行系統整體測試。測試結果可成功運作並生產電力,最大發電功率約為100 W,雖然本系統目前之發電量尚未達到預期之分散式發電系統目標,但已完整建立研究所需之預備知識及技術,相信對往後的研究工作應有具體上的助益。 This thesis aims to design a micro gas turbine electric power generating system for educating demonstration. The system is composed of the combustion and mechanical power section, the compression air supply section and the electric power generation section. The combustion and mechanical power section contains the main combustor, the combustion chamber and the power turbine. The North American nozzle-mixed 4020-series burner is used and modified as the gas turbine combustor, in which the fuel injector and the swirl vane are applied to shorten the flame length and enhance the combustion stability. The combustion chambers with the perforated inner liners are also designed to avoid damage of the chamber wall due to the direct contact with high temperature flame. In the series of the performance tests, the integrated system is successful for continuous operation with a maximum power generation of about 100 W. Though the expected power generation is still too far to reach, the essential knowledge and practical skills for the system establishment are useful for further studies.