現階段輪胎模具生產製程大部分為鑄造法,在翻模過程中,常累積許多誤差。本研究主要以反型模具加工為出發點,透過輪胎花紋三維曲面的分類與節距排列方式的運用,針對輪胎模具反型加工路徑,規劃一完整銑削流程,其中包括粗加工、中加工與精加工各項加工策略應用與加工工法設計,目的為利用銑削金屬材料方式,減少翻模程序,縮短模具製程,提昇模具品質。 Today, the process of tire mold manufacture is almost by casting. In the process of casting, tire mold will often accumulate many deviations. This paper is mainly from the aspect of engraved mold field to research the whole milling processes of engraved tread pattern with classification of 3d groove surfaces and the application of pitch pattern arrangement and sequencing . The processes contain methods and strategies for rough , semi and finishing toolpaths of generation. The goal is to eliminate some processes from casting, shorten the period of tire mold production and increase higher quality of mold , when tire mold was manufactured by 5 axis machine in steel or aluminum.