本實驗的目的是利用準相位匹配原理,透過外加電場的實驗方法,使用未摻雜共熔配比鈮酸鋰晶片製做出週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰晶體的二倍頻元件。配合液態電極的使用,製作出特定週期的PPLN,並且研究各項不同製程參數對於極化反轉之結果所造成的影響。本論文將針對週期性區域反轉鈮酸鋰晶片的製作與極化之結果進行討論。 從實驗結果發現,電量雖然是直接影響電疇擴散的主要參數,但光阻線寬的大小亦會對於duty-cycle值產生影響。吾人透過實驗方法,找出較適合本系統之電量與線寬參數值,其電量參數為7.22μC、線寬為10.6μm,依據此參數值來製作週期32μm,可得最接近duty-cycle=50:50的PPLN。 The purpose of this experiment is using the undoped congruent lithium niobate chip through the external high electric field method to fabricate the periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) for quasi phase matched second harmonic generation (QPMSHG) device. By using the system with liquid electrode ”lithium chlorine”, we fabricated the PPLN of some specific period ,then the effects of domain inversion in the lithium niobate chip with different fabrication parameters are studied. The purposes of this thesis are on both the fabrication and the phenomenon of domain inversion of PPLN. From the observation of experiment results we found that although the poling charge is the primary parameter of domain propagation, the line width on the photoresist(PR) pattern can also effect the results of duty-cycle. Through the experiment method that we used, we found some proper parameters of our experiment system, we fixed the poling charge on 7.22μC and line width 10.6μm on the PR pattern. According to these parameters we successfully fabricated the PPLN with the domain inversion period 32μm, with the effective length to 3mm , and the duty-cycle is near 0.5.