摘要 在金屬粉末射出成型中,最終成品的品質常取決於有效而迅速的脫脂過程,因此改善脫脂過程成為研究此技術者所致力的目標。 為了瞭解溫度的控制在毛細吸附脫脂過程所做的影響,進而能夠有效的提升吸附脫脂的速率,並降低脫脂過程可能產生的缺陷,本文嘗試利用多段溫度控制對於不同的參數做毛細吸附的實驗,研究其脫脂率的變化,而有別於前面採用單一黏結劑的實驗,實驗後段加入了更符合實際情形的多重黏結劑為變因進行吸附實驗,觀察多重黏結劑對吸附脱脂過程的影響。 實驗結果發現利用多段溫度控制進行脫脂對胚體外型保持能力較好,但依然可以看到明顯的頸縮現象,而加入第二種黏結劑之後,此現象即獲得改善。 ABSTRACT It always depends on the effective and fast debinding process of the quality of the products in the metal injection molding(MIM). Consequently, many researches have been devoted to improve the debinding procedures. In order to understand the influence of the temperature controlled during wick debinding, and then can reduce the debinding time and prevent the defects, in the article, it tries to use many sections of temperature controlled to do the detailed experiment to different parameters, and study the variation of the debinding rate. Different from the unitary binder, the back section of the experiment get in on the multiply binders for variable to observe the influence on wicking. The result of the experiment reveals that wicking with many sections of temperature controlled have the better ability for the support of the compact shape, but the necking phenomenon is still obviously, however, when we using the multiply binders, the phenomenon is improved.