近十年來,美日歐等先進國家均積極投入對流動式顆粒床廢氣淨化系統之研發。含煙塵之廢氣經由進出入口兩側葉片進入垂直流動式顆粒床內,煙塵物質攔阻於床內之顆粒,達到廢氣淨化之目的,但濾材在顆粒床中會一直存在著濾材滯流區的形成,進而造成系統堵塞之問題。 我們已成功發展將各式流動校正單元嵌入顆粒床內,可有效克服滯留區問題。本研究將持續過去成果,繼續進行相關技術的開發工作與分析探討,並將重點列為發展雙葉片型式之流動校正單元,探討其可行性與優劣點。最終結果將提供為製作三維流動式顆粒床過濾器實驗裝置,並加裝廢氣煙塵產生器,觀察染塵濾材之流動形態,並進行實際冷性能過濾測試。冷性能測試項目以過濾床之實際過濾效率與廢氣穿透過濾床的壓力降隨時間變化為主,濾材循環流率、進風口風速與廢氣所堆積的濾餅都是影響因素。 依據先前冷性能測試結果,除了搭配濾餅的效果來尋出最佳過濾效率外,再配合穩定的壓降與粒徑分析結果,提供設計實際雛形之依據,並於未來能實際與產業界結合。 The moving bed filtration technology used for high-temperature gas cleanup has been developed in United States, Japan and countries of EU in last decades. One of the key difficulties is the formation of stagnant zones of filter granules in a moving bed with louvered walls. When stagnant zones exist, the dust coming with flue gas may plug the system and the filtration efficiency decreases remarkably. Putting sub-louvers into the convergent channel between louvers was proven to be an appropriate solution to diminish the stagnant zones. This paper presents the results of a study of the flow patterns in a 2-D cross-flow moving granular bed with systems of louvers and sub-louvers in granular moving bed. The optimum design that can diminish the stagnant zones effectively will be used to build a 3-D facility and install a dust generator in order to run the cold model filtration tests. The cold tests include the filtration efficiency and the moving bed pressure drop measurements. The filter medium (silica sand) circulation rate and the inlet gas velocity were measured, too. The cold filtration test results, presented in this paper offer important data for designing the prototype of the moving granular bed filters.