近年來隨著智慧型運輸系統的發展,運用各項先進科技偵測駕駛員精神狀態或避免駕駛疏失之先進安全車輛技術已日益成熟。且由於國人的生活品質提升,相對地適應性巡航控制系統(ACC)可以增進行車安全與行車舒適性;自動調整車速,系統會自動調整車速,並與前方車維持適當的行車距離,以增進行車安全與行車舒適性。本研究利用桌上型駕駛模擬儀探討在不同的車內資訊提供下造成的駕駛分心以及在不同天候狀況下,於高速公路進行跟車時,有無適應性巡航控制系統對駕駛行為的影響。 為因應系統操作之因及實驗設計,開發、改善部分設備以及利用桌上型駕駛模擬儀作為實驗之需求有四個部分:一為改善系統操作過於繁雜之缺點、二為採用桌上行駕駛模擬儀,更方便測試與研究、三為開發適應性巡航控制系統模組,因應實驗因子的研究四為開發數字鍵盤擷取程式,探討對於駕駛者回答情況的掌握能力及分心程度上差異。 本研究結果顯示ACC系統可輔助駕駛者行車安全,且可降低車輛碰撞的發生次數。此外亦可改善駕駛績效,而無ACC系統的操控,其車速與跟車間距較不穩定,至於天候環境對於駕駛者行為亦有差異。對於駕駛者因車內資訊系統而造成的分心,ACC系統亦可發揮其效益,減少駕駛者之工作負荷,有助於專心開車。 Many automobile companies are producing vehicles with adaptive cruise control (ACC) system onboard. The ACC system enables a vehicle to do automatic vehicle following in the longitudinal direction. It has been argued that the smooth response of ACC vehicles to high-acceleration disturbances or large position errors creates large gaps between the ACC vehicle and the vehicle ahead inviting cut-ins. The effect of in-vehicle information systems (IVIS) on traffic safety is currently under debate and suitable methods for measuring and comparing the impact of such devices on driver behaviour are urgently required. This study used a 2×2×3 experimental design. The between-subjects factors included ACC type (no ACC or ACC), weather type (sun or fog), and IVIS type (no, LCD or voice). Subjects were instructed that their main task was to drive the driving simulator. Moreover, they were also given a sub-task of adding two single-digit numbers from 1 to 9 or adding two double-digit numbers from 10 to 49. Thirty-two licensed drivers drove a vehicle while they are following a lead vehicle in two conditions: sudden cut-in of a vehicle from an adjacent lane and closing to a preceding vehicle. The results show that the ACC is effective in reducing drivers’ mental workload and it also improves operational performance. Results from this study demonstrate that ACC systems induce behavioral adaptation of drivers in terms of changes in workload, hazard detection, and driving performance.