本文為研究結合電泳與磁力研磨之精密拋光製程技術之研發,其目的為改善傳統拋光技術中,對於精密模具加工表面粗糙度品質難以控制之問題,並提供一種設備簡單、操作容易,可得到高表面精度的加工拋光技術。 本文研究重點分成二大部份:第一部份主要針對磁力研磨拋光對表面粗糙度之影響探討;主要探討利用非結合性磨料對平面拋光的功效,藉由田口實驗獲得一組較佳參數,再以顯著因子分別作單因子實驗,對其作一特性探討與表面精度觀察。由實驗結果可知磁力研磨能有效改善試片表面粗糙度,可使粗糙度值由1.7μm降低至0.23μm。雖然可以獲得極大的改善,但拋光後的表面卻呈現霧面狀態,無法達到預期所需之效果。 第二部份則是探討磁力結合電泳拋光對表面粗糙度之影響;主要是將磁力研磨機制與電泳沉積法結合,進行拋光加工實驗,並對其特性作一討論。由實驗結果可知磁力結合電泳拋光能使放電表面之原始粗糙度1.7μm,於20分鐘後改善為0.08μm,達到鏡面效果。 由本文實驗結果證實,電泳與磁力研磨之精密拋光製程可有效改善表面加工後之粗糙度及降低技術成本與人員訓練費用,縮短生產週期進而提高生產效率,相當具有產業競爭力。 In this paper, the electrophoresis-magnetic abrasive finishing(EMAF) is applied to the design of a new polishing process. The chief end of EMAF is improving the traditional polishing technology that has the results of uncontrollable quality of machined surface and developing a simple finishing equipment In the first stage of the study, The finishing characteristics of SKD61 electrical discharge machined surface in MAF using the unbonded magnetic abrasive (UMA) is investigated. The unbonded magnetic abrasive is a mechanical mixture of ferromagnetic particles and viscoelastic abrasives. Experimental results shows that the surface roughness of the SKD61 workpiece can be improved from 1.7µm Ra to 0.23µm Ra but the surface is mat. In the second stage of the study, to elevate the finishing performance, an electrophoresis-magnetic abrasive finishing , which is a compound polishing process by involving the traditional MAF and electrophoresis, is developed. The advantage of the compound polishing process is that the magnetic abrasives with electrophoresis using Al2O3 particle still can move and polish along the profile of a complex surface. Experimental results shows that the mirror-like finished surface of 0.08µm Ra can be produced from 1.7µm Ra using the new process.