工業界通用動平衡之平衡法則,僅涉及兩平衡面之剛性轉子平衡。對於一些較為特殊的轉子,如渦輪幫浦、曲柄軸、發電機轉子等,實務應用尚未普及化,因為此類型轉子之平衡校正技術不易所致。若僅以傳統影響係數法,來平衡構造複雜之轉子是相當困難。本研究主要是針對渦輪幫浦,因渦輪葉片不平衡在高速運轉下將造成軸承損壞,甚而因葉片偏擺過大與幫浦外殼干涉而致整體破壞,透過研究加以改善,研究中發展一套離線平衡校正系統。所發展技術在任何旋轉機械之平衡校正均能適用。研究發展之進行先以模擬訊號,模擬各種可能發生的狀況藉以驗證平衡校正程式之正確性,進而以實際之高速轉子-雙面轉子系統以及渦輪幫浦進行轉子平衡校正,應用疊代影響係數法及最小平方法,得到較傳統平衡方式更加之平衡精度。 Most balancing machines used in industry are only involved in using two-plane balancing for the rigid rotor. Turbo-pump, crank-shaft rotor, and turbo-machinery are the special rotor with complex mechanism. It will be a difficult task for balancing these rotors. Only using the two-plane balancing procedure is very difficult. When a rotating machine such as turbo-pump is designed to operate over a range of speeds, the unbalance forces transmitted to the foundation result in the damage of bearings. This paper will develop an off-line rotor balancing system. Its technique can be used in all the rotating machines. First, testing the technique with simulation signals in order to prove the program is valid. Comparing to conventional balancing method, it has higher precision of iteration of influence coefficient method and least squares method on two-plane balancing machine as well as turbo-pump system. For iteration of influence coefficient method, it is not necessary to repeat the trial-mass data, and the previous computed response coefficient can be used.