本論文主要內容為設計二足機器人之上肢,以及利用上肢繞X、繞Y、繞Z軸來進行補償,保持在動態模擬中能穩定的行走。採用順向及逆向運動學推導出整體的動態平衡運動方程式,利用ZMP推導出軀幹補償X、Y位置及繞Z軸之微分方程。於MSC. Visual NASTRAN 4D機構模擬期間,利用其與Matlab之間的相互連結解出上肢桿件平衡位置,將此新的平衡位置傳回MSC. Visual NASTRAN 4D模擬軟體中,以確保機器人整體之平穩。所使用之套裝軟體則包括MATLAB、Pro-Engineer、MSC. Visual NASTRAN 4D等三套。 The main purpose of this thesis is to design the biped robot of upper- limb. Dynamic walking for a biped walking robot to compensate for the three-axis (pitch, roll and yaw-axis) angle on an arbitrary planned ZMP by trunk motion. The governing differential equations were derived based on kinematics and dynamic equilibrium considerations. The three-axis differential equations are derived from ZMP theory. In the MSC VISUAL NASTRAN 4D simulation, the equilibrium position of the lower-limb positions were calculated first, then utilizing MSC VISUAL NASTRAN 4D and MATLAB to calculate upper-limb equilibrium position and yaw-axis angle. This procedure was repeated when the robot motion proceed.