本論文以五種金屬系材料為基材,以脈衝直流( Pulsed DC )的電源供應方式,並以磁控濺鍍法激發電漿氣體,沉積非晶態結構La0.67Sr0.33MnO3( 鑭鍶錳 )( LSMO )薄膜於SOFC之金屬系連接板上,經由高溫爐以高溫退火製程,轉變成鈣鈦礦結構( perovskite ),成為保護層以抑制氧化物層( 以避免電傳導率下降 )及杜絕鉻元素的擴散( 以避免SOFC之陰極遭到毒化 );利用SEM及XRD等分析儀器來觀察鍍膜表面退火之後對晶體結構的影響,並以GID低掠角繞射分析法及XPS儀器確認LSMO薄膜經高溫環境後有無Cr元素擴散現象;另外,量測在長時間( 1150小時 )高溫模擬SOFC的工作環境下,薄膜與基材之間的接觸電阻( ASR,面積電阻率 )。實驗結果發現Crofer22及中鋼煉製的ZMG-232這兩種基材在鍍上LSMO薄膜之後,經模擬SOFC高溫操作環境之後,其薄膜平整緻密且無Cr擴散現象,而其ASR值分別為12.42 mohm.cm2及62.79 mohm.cm2。 In this study, the five commercial metallic materials Crofer22, CS ZMG-232, SS-304, SS-430 and Inconel 718 were investigated. The La0.67Sr0.33MnO3( LSMO ) thin film was coated on those materials using pulsed DC magnetron sputtering. The film was amorphous but converted to perovskite structure after annealing. It was used as protection layer on metallic interconnects in SOFC to prevent the growth of oxide and the diffusion of Cr element. SEM and XRD made use of observing the crystal structure of thin film after annealing. Using GID method and XPS inspects the Cr diffusion and Cr-oxide of LSMO in the high-temperature oxidation environment. The result shows the LSMO thin film on Crofer22 and CS ZMG-232 were good for compaction and adhesion. Thus, it could prevent the growth of oxide and the diffusion of Cr element to avoid poison of cathode and decline of conductivity in SOFC in high temperature. Besides, the coated Crofer22 and CS ZMG-232 proceed ASR measurement in 800℃ for 1150hrs to observe the variation of contact resistance. After ASR measurement, the ASR is 12.42 mohm.cm2 and 62.79 mohm.cm2 respectively.