九二一地震後,諸多關於救災制度之問題逐漸浮現,不單於九二一地震中顯示我國慰助措施的不完善,於往後之災難中亦可顯現不成熟處,致糾紛和爭議不斷。重大災害發生後;欲達迅速及完善之救災,定要有完善的慰助制度。關於慰助制度的訂定,非一朝一夕可完成,完善之慰助制度須符合國情需求,及參考先進國家制度,藉由過去救災經驗,不斷的汲取及改善,方有完善的可能。 本研究將針對災後慰助措施之標準、範圍、適法性及缺失處做深入探討,並將慰助措施詳加分類,釐清補助對象及補助目的,減少爭議之發生。透過文獻回顧方式,整理我國當初於九二一制定的救災措施及國外制定的救災措施與制度,相較下,找出我國制度不合理及缺失之處,建議未來關於慰助措施可發展之方向及需改善之處,訂出更適合我國國情之措施。期在未來能以最完善之制度面臨災難的發生,以迅速、效率、完善之制度來保障民眾,並結合民眾與政府雙方之力量,達到迅速、效率、合理、完善之目的。 After the Chi-Chi Earthquake (September 21, 1999), many problems related to the hazard rescue mechanism in Taiwan emerged. In the several natural hazards happened following the Earthquake, it has become more obvious that the existing Refugee Comforting and Assistance Program (RCAP) was incomprehensive, immature, and prone to disputes. It is very important to have a more comprehensive RCAP to support effective hazard rescue operation. This study tries to explore the standards, coverage, and legitimacy of the existing RCAP and to categorize and clarify the difficulties associated with the mechanism. Through literature review, the existing RCAP in Taiwan were compared with the similar systems operated in Japan and US. A more reasonable for establishing a comprehensive system is suggested. It is expected that the results presented in this study can serve as a good reference to the government when the related legal framework is to be revised in the future.