依據內政部營建署97年7月「營造業經濟概況調查報告」中指出大型營造業因經濟規模因素而較易取得大型營繕工程並掌握著國內50%市場以上,可知大型綜合營造業廠商對整體綜合營造業產值影響很大。 本研究採用大前研一(1982)所提出的關鍵成功因素評估方法: 即利用市場剖解法將母體收集之資料做初步的分類及篩選再從篩選之個案由比較法分析得標廠商成功之關鍵因素。由政府採購資訊公告系統收集2003年起至2009年5月31 日期間,分析台灣地區工程採購金額為巨額採購為「建築工程」、「公路工程」、「污水下水道工程」、「捷運工程」的決標廠商依其標的分類不同,統計過去的決標廠商次數最多者,經由個案分析與現況結合比較探討其得標廠商特性分析優勢與原因,可做為其他廠商投標及經營標竿。 According to the “The Report of Construction economy Survey” which is published by Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of Interior July, 2008.It indicates that the large construction companies are easier to get major construction and dominate because of their economy scale, and having the market share over 50%. Therefore, we could understand that large construction company have great effect upon the total construction industry.This study is using the method "key successful factor evaluate method" which is proposed by Ohmae Kenichi (1982): We collect all the study group data and categorized each of them by items By using the market dissect method.Next step is choosing a single company to see what the major key successful factor is. From the data of the Government purchasing information bulletin board, which informations collecting since 2003 until 2009, may 31st. analyzing Taiwan construction fee can be categorized as follow:“Civil construction”,“High way or roads construction”, “Sewerage systems construction”, and “ Metropolitan Rail Transportation construction”. From the above categories, we pick up the company that gets the most construction, analysing the advantages and the reasons why it can earn the tender for most construction,which could be the milestone of other construction company.