Abstract: | 酒醉駕車死亡一直是台灣地區主要的死亡原因之一。在國內目前所關切之酒醉駕駛方面,從民國93至96年A1類交通事故件數中酒醉(後)駕駛肇事件數所占的比例越來越高,而取締酒後駕駛案件數更是居高不下。為減少事故發生之機率,研究酒駕對於駕駛績效及生理狀態之影響,並發展酒駕偵測警示系統即為重要的研究工作。其重要性在於遇到危險情況時,能夠提早偵測出因酒駕所造成駕駛行為能力的降低,適時提供警示以提高駕駛者對於路況的注意力,進而降低交通事故的發生機率。然而,在實際進行相關研究,對於駕駛者危險性太高,因此本研究採用駕駛模擬儀進行研究。希冀藉由系統的輔助下,促使駕駛者能夠迅速正確的作出反應動作,以避免意外事故發生。 本研究以駕駛模擬儀進行研究,設計合適的駕駛場景與駕駛任務劇情,針對四種符合台灣現今需求的酒駕程度完成了84人次的酒駕實驗,進行NASA-TLX主觀評量、生理狀態及駕駛績效等資料之量測與分析。由研究可瞭解環境負荷(高、低) x路道型態(急、緩、直) x呼氣酒精濃度(0、0.15、0.25、0.55 mg/l)等24個水準實驗水準對於駕駛時的12項駕駛績效指標及6項生理指標之影響。 由研究結果可顯示當呼氣酒精含量愈高,其血氧濃度值越低,心率平均值升高,但血壓的變化則略微降低。另外,高駕駛負荷環境下的血氧濃度變化程度大於低駕駛負荷環境。並得知呼氣酒精濃度對於油門深度標準差、車速標準差、縱向加速度標準差、方向盤角度標準差及橫向加速度標準差等五項駕駛績效之影響皆達到顯著差異水準。綜觀以上,本研究所探討的駕駛績效及生理狀態表現,可提供酒駕偵測警示系統的設計應用參考。另外,在呼氣酒精濃度為0.15 mg/l以上時,對於駕駛績效變異程度上是正向影響,若以嚴謹地立法角度衡量,國內現行酒測標準實有必要加重刑罰、加強取締以減少酒駕肇事傷亡和社會成本支出,同時從安全教育著手,改正國人酒駕惡習。 In Taiwan, drunk driving is regarded a severe societal problem in large measure because of the very large number of victims it produces each year. Because the breakdown and absorption of alcohol seriously damages the vehicular operation, we comprehend the importance of the drink driving detection device, which can help reduce the occurrence of drunk-related accidents. We have utilized a Driving Simulator to determine the influence of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) on the driver performance and physiological functioning in the present study. As a result, the relationship between drunk driving and driving performance has been investigated, and the criteria to identify drunk driving by driving performance, established. We conducted all the research with the device Driving Simulator decided by stimulating real- driving situations.Kai Wei according to Taiwan’s legal limit of alcohol (0、0.15、0.25、0.55 mg/l), we, in this study, have done 84 experimentation of stimulating drunk driving, having obtained and analyzed these statistics containing NASA-TLX, physiological state, driving effects and so on. In this study, higher breath alcohol concentration would cause lower Oxygen concentration, higher average heart rate and slightly lower blood pressure. At the same time, we investigated the changes of driving in a high-load environment are more than ones of driving in a low-load environment. Importantly, because BAC had great influence on five driving effects including standard deviation of the depth of the accelerator, of the speed, of the vertical acceleration, of the steering wheel angle and of the lateral acceleration, without doubt, it plays a control factor in the Blood Alcohol Tests. All in all, our study has defined the basic functionality of major driving effects that can be a significant factor on the design of Breathalyzers to detect alcohol. After all, considering a strict legislation to correct improper drunk drinking, we must go on obtaining detailed statistics to strengthen the standards of Blood Alcohol Tests. |