本研究已發展出一套連續量測吸入氣與呼出氣氣體濃度之個人型暴露評估系統。本研究歷經系統的設計、材料的選擇,再經過實驗室的校正與評估系統性能後,證實此系統在沒有其它干擾物存在的情況下,可準確的量測出受試者的暴露量。本研究以乙醇做為待測氣體,在以活性炭管之吸附所進行之人體吸收模擬實驗中,發現此模擬系統所計算出之理論吸附量與以活性炭管測得之實際吸附量有高度的相關性(r = 0.99)。在實際之人體暴露試驗中,發現受試者在沒有吸入任何乙醇氣體的情況下,個人呼出氣所造成的背景訊號會隨著個人體質之不同而有所差異,在經過20分鐘之暴露實驗後,計算受試者之理論吸收量與以活性炭管所測得之實際吸收量後,發現兩者有高度的相關性(r = 0.86 ~ 0.96),故本研究開發之個人暴露與呼出氣體連續量測系統應能代替傳統上量測個人暴露量及呼出氣體濃度之方法,並可藉由吸入氣與呼出氣濃度之量測推算出人體的吸收劑量。 A real-time breath-by-breath exposure monitoring system (BBEMS) for measuring inhaled and exhaled breath concentrations has been developed in this research. The BBEMS system is composed from three major components: two small semi-conductor gas sensors to detect organic gases, a modified mask to hold the sensors in the gas pathways, and a tiny but high data capacity datalogger to store the measured numbers. Several laboratory tests were conducted to verify the usability of the system, and several volunteers were asked to help evaluating the performances of the system. In this research, ethanol was used as the target gas to create a non-toxic exposure environment. In simulated human absorption test, the amount of exposure calculated by the BBEMS showed a good agreement with the actual amount measured by the charcoal tubes(r=0.99). In the actual human exposure test, the high correlation(r = 0.86 to 0.96) between the doses measured by the BBEMS and the actual doses indicated that the BBEMS was capable of measuring chemical doses with certain precision. The real time concentration data in exhaled showed that the BBEMS is a good device for those who need to know the concentrations in each exhaled breath.