連續流循序批分式活性污泥系統在自動監測控制系統之研究與發展上,主要係藉由鑑定硝化及脫硝終點ORP及pH特徵點發生的時機,達到即時控制(real-time control)好氧及缺氧操作相反應時間的目的,在節省操作時間及提高處理效率的目標上,已有相當的貢獻。然而現階段溶氧控制策略,概以固定曝氣方式進行,此等操作方式,並無法依系統生化反應狀態及微生物活性調整所需的曝氣量,易導致絲狀菌異常增殖、污泥膨化、放流水水質不佳等問題,而影響處理成效及造成操作上的困擾。因此本研究嘗試利用溶氧之質量平衡式,建立溶氧控制策略(固定溶氧控制與溶氧即時控制),期能藉由溶氧的控制達到減少曝氣量、縮短操作時間、提高處理效率與提高系統穩定性的目標。研究結果顯示,利用溶氧即時控制策略進行溶氧的控制,其操作結果放流水水質變動範圍較低,顯示有助於維持系統的穩定性。就去除率而言,雖然在程序的即時控制(判斷ORP、pH特徵點)之下,碳、氮、磷的去除率可達一定水準,然而在加入溶氧即時控制後,有助於維持去除率在93 % 以上。在曝氣的使用方面,在溶氧即時控制操作下,平均去除單位體積( L )的曝氣用量為26.67 L,較固定曝氣量操作時減少10 % ~ 40 %的曝氣用量。在溶氧即時控制過程中,計算所得的攝氧率則可作為評估系統好氧相操作時微生物活性的指標。此外,針對一利用判斷ORP、pH曲線特徵點作即時控制之連續流SBR系統,溶氧即時控制有助於消弭接近硝化終點時,因溶氧突增所造成的特徵點消失、延緩轉相時間的問題。 As a simple and compact wastewater treatment system, the continuous-flow sequencing batch reactor (continuous-flow SBR) is capable of removing the oxygen-demanding carbonaceous materials, nitrogen and phosphorus biological nutrients by cycling with anaerobic, aerobic, anoxic, settling and discharge phases. Since the ORP and pH have been recognized as more flexible and efficient monitoring and control parameters on biological and chemical treatment processes, particularly applied to the biological nutrient removal processes. The ORP and pH real-time control strategies of aerobic nitrification and anoxic denitrification phases had well developed for automation of continuous-flow SBR. However, continuous-flow SBR is usually controlled with fix-aeration approach, which is difficult to adjust the required DO conditions to influent loading variations and organisms activity, and always led to consume tremendous energy and resources for meeting the effluent standard. For achieving an objective of automation, the purpose of this study is to develop a DO real-time control strategy to increase operational performances and decrease the energy consumption. The study results revealed that the developed DO real-time control approach could increase the operational stability and efficiency. The COD, ammonia and phosphorus removal rate could maintain above 93%, and decrease about 10 ~ 40 % aeration requirements compared with conventional aeration approaches.