國內外之化學品種類多達數十萬種,對化學品之標示內容及分類判定標準,各國亦無明確、統一之規範,在進出口標示上易造成產生混淆。聯合國為調和國際間之化學品分類及危害告知之標示等,於2003年發布紫皮書(ST/SG/AC.10/30,ISBN 92-1-116840-6),並以2008年全球運作調和分類系統(Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals,以下簡稱GHS系統)為目標。 本研究以問卷方式進行調查,調查對象為新竹縣毒化物運作廠場,共進行166家問卷施測,回收116份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,有效問卷共104份,有效回收率62.7%,利用統計軟體SPSS10.0版進行統計分析,分析企業之相關推動人員對GHS系統標示與危害通識的認知程度,個人基本因素或公司環境因素與認知差異的分析,及危害通識標示與GHS標示認知之間之差異分析。 本研究分析結果為性別不影響危害通識標示及GHS標示認知程度;教育程度與危害通識標示認知有顯著性;工作年資與GHS標示認知有顯著性差異;公司規模人數在30人以下和300人以上之危害通識標示的認知程度有顯著差異。另外調查對象對危險物及有害物通識制度的規定比全球調和制度(GHS)的規範瞭解程度高,且以具有獨特的標示圖式較不易造成混淆,在危害通識的圖式符號認知以「毒性物質」的正確率最高,在全球調和制度(GHS)方面以「易燃氣體」與「水生環境危害」的正確率最高。 More than hundreds of thousands chemicals without having harmonized and consistency frameworks for requirements of labeling and hazard classification standards make international industrials confused on their global trade business. For harmonizing the difference of hazard communication between each country, UN announced the Purple Book in 2003 and hoped the GHS could be implemented in 2008. This investigation employs questionnaires for survey and focus on using hazardous chemicals manufacturers in Hsinchu country. There are 166 factories proceeding survey, receiving 116 surveys and 104 retrieved effective questionnaires, total recovery questionnaires rate is 62.7%. Applying statistic software of SPSS 1.0 to precede statistic analysis. Analyzing data including personal factor, the workplace environmental effect, labeling hazard communication and recognizing GHS label. The results illustrates as below: sex is unconcerned with labeling hazard communication and recognizing GHS label. On the contrary, level of education is relative obviously with labeling hazard communication, working seniorities is clearly dependent on recognizing GHS label. Identification of labeling hazard communication is obvious different for the scale of factories at below 30 employees or over 300 employees. The survey investigates the identification of hazard material and hazard communication to be clearer than recognizing GHS standard. Further, special labeling pictogram is more recognizable than others. The pictogram of “Hazardous material” is identified accurately in hazard communication labels. The “Flammable gases” and “Hazardous to the aquatic environment” is also distinguished obviously in GHS labels.