目前一般污水處理廠以人工採樣進行水質檢測以供作廢水操控之依據,因此無法即時掌握水質變化及單元處理效能,進而採取有效因應措施。市售水質自動監測儀器大多只能針對單一水質項目進行監測,造成設備設置及操作維護費成本高昂,故較少使用於現場水質監測。本研究係利用分光光譜量測技術發展廢水水質監測系統,並於新竹工業區污水處理廠進行進放流渠道水質COD及SS連續監測與驗證。本研究結果顯示水質自動監測系統可即時提供連續水質資訊並有效掌握水質變化趨勢,可利用此監測系統建立廢水異常警報系統以供現場操作緊急應變處理之用。另外本研究於化學單元進出流廢水監測進行回饋控制,建立最佳操作策略,初步可達到降低化學加藥量及污泥量,並提昇單元操作成效。本監測系統設備設置及操作維護成本較市售儀器便宜,且具有無須添加額外藥劑及可同時量測COD及SS等優點,故可提升市場接受度及使用率,並有助於污水廠之操作與污染控制。 To measure water quality by manual samplings is a general way in wastewater treatment plants, which cannot provide real-time information of changing water quality to efficiently control treatment performance of each unit. Therefore, water quality automatic monitoring system is developed to improve efficiency of water quality measurement but seldom used because of its high cost and maintenance fees. Accordingly, spectrophotometer is applied to develop a wastewater quality monitoring system in this study. The programming tool used to build up the human-machine interface of this monitoring system is LabView. With the advantages of rapid measurements and less pollution of this automatic monitoring system, this measurement technique is applied in the wastewater treatment plant of Hsin-chu Industrial Park by monitoring and verifying the concentration of COD and SS. It is shown that wastewater quality can be continuously and efficiently get by this automatic monitoring system. The wastewater quality alarm system is established to promote the processing performance and system stability and thus to reduce the processing cost. The results of this study suggest that the wastewater quality monitoring system can continuously and instantaneously collect the COD and SS information of wastewater, and that chemicals can be added to stabilize and control water quality. Besides, with wastewater quality alarm system, operation risks are reduced. In conclusion, the automatic monitoring system proves to be effective to promote the processing performance and system stability and to reduce processing cost.