Abstract: | 活性污泥法及其相關之修正方法應用廣泛,但每日實際流入污水處理廠之污水量會隨時間、地區而有所變動,一般處理廠面對變動負荷常採用之應變策略包括於污水處理系統之進流端設置調勻池、考量安全因子設計及以長期累積的經驗做為修正操作與控制的依據等。然而這些策略均不具時效性或增加建設成本,因此BNR程序(Biological Nutrient Removal Process)面臨動態進流操作時,對於處理系統的處理效率與最佳化操控將是一個考驗。本研究使用TNCU-3(Taiwan National Central University-3)模廠進行研究。 穩態操作控制在SRT=10天、進流Q=240ml/min、COD=300mg/L、TN=40mg/L、TP=5mg/L以及HRT約9.5小時,各試程以分流比Q1:Q2:Q3=1:0:0:0、0.9:0.1:0、0:8:0.2:0、0.7:0.3:0、0.8:0.1:0.1、0.7:0.2:0.1迴流污泥比Qr=0.5Q共六組試程進行操作,其出流水SCOD均小於20mg/L,去除率達94%以上,出流水中皆檢測不到溶解性之正磷酸鹽及TP,SS約在6~14 mg/L之間,TN去除率約在69.2%?76.4%,對於各營養鹽併同去除的效率均高於一般的BNR程序。 動態操作則控制在SRT=14.6天、進流Q=80~240ml/min、COD=100~300mg/L、TN=25~40mg/L、TP=3~5mg/L以及HRT約9.5~14小時,六種分流以兩種Qr:Q=0.5及0.25共12組試程操作,並輔以電腦監測水質項目,電腦監測結果為:厭氧段ORP=-50?370 mV、厭氧段pH =6.3?6.9、好氧第一槽DO=1.5?4(mg/L)、出流水COD=4?15(mg/L)、出流水NO3-=5?14(mg/L)、出流水pH =7?7.5、出流水SS=2?10(mg/L)、迴流污泥RSS=2800?6800(mg/L)。 另24小時之批次實驗結果發現各試程總F/M介於0.15?0.18之間,平均MLSS約1,600?2,000mg/L較穩態為低,受進流端厭氧段的F/M比影響較大,當厭氧段F/M較高時,整個模廠反應槽的平均MLSS有較高之趨勢。兩段分流之MLSS稀釋效應較明顯,約有200?400 mg/L之稀釋現象。各試程出流水COD約在4?12 mg/L之間,去除率均可達93%以上,與穩態操作類似。各試程出流水硝酸鹽濃度約5?11mg/L,去除率約65?84%。以缺氧槽及好氧槽為控制體積時,可發現缺氧槽的C/N越高,則好氧槽殘留的硝酸鹽越低。缺氧第一槽C/N控制在4?8之間可使好氧第三槽殘餘NOx介於5?8 mg/L之間,缺氧第二槽的C/N控制介於3?5之間,好氧第四槽殘餘的NOx則僅剩下5?7 mg/L。磷的去除效率明顯低於穩態操作,動態操作出流水的正磷酸鹽濃度介於0.03?0.7 mg/L,去除率介於68.2?98.7%,動態操作時所有試程中去氮除磷效果以試程0.7:0.2:0.1最好。 Activated Sludge Process and its modified methods had used very widely. The daily wastewater quality would vary with time or in different regions. Generally, the strategies treating the dynamic inflow in wastewater treatment plants were used to set up equilibrium basins, design by safe factors and long-term experiences as modified operations and control rules. However, these strategies were not efficient methods or increased the capital cost. Therefore, it is a test for the efficiencies and the optimal operations of BNR process(Biological Nutrient Removal Process) during the dynamic inflow. TNCU-3 process (Taiwan National Central University-3) is used in this research. It is controlled that SRT was 10 days, inflow quantity Q was 240ml/min, COD was 300mg/L, TN was 40mg/L, TP was 5mg/L and HRT was 9.5 hours in steady state. The six runs were operated at Q1:Q2:Q3 was 1:0:0:0, 0.9:0.1:0, 0:8:0.2:0, 0.7:0.3:0, 0.8:0.1:0.1 and 0.7:0.2:0.1 and the return sludge rate Qr was 0.5Q. The effluent SCOD was less than 20mg/L and the removal efficiency more than 94%. The effluent phosphate and phosphorus weren’t detected. The suspended solid was about 6 to 14 mg/L. The removal efficiency of total nitrogen was about 69.2% to 76.4%. All of the nutrient removal efficiencies in TNCU-3 were higher than other BNR processes. It is controlled that SRT was 14.6 days, inflow quantity Q was 80 to 240ml/min, COD was 100 to 300mg/L, TN was 25 to 40mg/L, TP was 3~5mg/L and HRT was about 9.5 to 14 hours in dynamic operations. 6 step-feed runs were separated to Qr:Q was 0.5 and 0.25. In summary 12 runs operated and monitored the treatment qualities by computer. The computer monitoring results as followings: ORP was -50 to 370 mV in anaerobic zone, pH was 6.3 to 6.9 anaerobic zone, DO was 1.5 to 4(mg/L)in aerobic-1 zone、effluent COD was 4 to 15(mg/L), effluent nitrate was 5 to 14(mg/L), effluent pH was 7 to 7.5 effluent SS was 2 to 10(mg/L) and the return suspended solids was 2800 to 6800(mg/L)。 In 24 hours batch experiments the total F/M of the process was 0.15 to 0.18. Average MLSS was about 1,600 to 2,000mg/L and less than steady-state. It was influenced by F/M in anaerobic zone. When the F/M was high in anaerobic zone the average MLSS would be high in whole process. MLSS was diluted 200 to 400 mg/L and was obviously in two step-feed. Effluent COD in each run was about 4 to 12 mg/L and its removal efficiency was higher than 93%. This result was similar to steady-state. Effluent nitrate was 5 to 11 mg/L and its removal efficiency was 65 to 84%. It was found when the C/N was high in anoxic zone then the remaining nitrate in aerobic zone would be low if the control volume was anoxic zone and aerobic zone. When the C/N was controlled between 4 to 8 in 1st anoxic zone the remaining nitrate would be between 5 to 8 mg/L in 3rd aerobic zone. When the C/N was controlled between 3 to 5 in first 2nd anoxic zone the remaining nitrate would be between 5 to 7 mg/L in 4th aerobic zone. The removal efficiency of phosphorus is obviously less than steady-state. Effluent phosphate was about 0.03 to 0.7 mg/L in dynamic operation and its removal efficiency is between 68.2 to 98.7%. The optimal efficiency of nutrient removal was run-0.7:0.2:0.1 in the research. |