生產掛帥的產業文化,其環境危害造成社會成本居高不下,習慣性的作業方式和盲從性的管理心態,無法有效的將社會風險降低,尤其製造過程中潛在的風險、原物料的開發與製造之安全衛生。這些潛在風險是屬於非常重大的事件,但是因其災害發生頻率較少,不容易被調查出來,如果發生管理失效,可能造成公司營運的局部或全部中斷。本研究利用「企業環境危害風險與結果管理績效評估」模式,進行環境危害風險管理研究,希望達到下述之目的:(1)廢棄物減量。(2)廢棄物再利用。(3)節約用水,降低廢水處理成本與環境負荷。(4)減少工時損失。(5)減少客訴案件。(6)法規符合度及背景資料建立。 對於產業經營風險之研究首從其產業背景分析,研究中主要應用企業環境風險與結果管理之相關基礎理論和文獻的配合,使研究目的得以獲致成果。主要根據系統方法,整合系統理論之基本思維及系統控制理論兩個部分,作為企業環境危害風險與結果管理績效評估之題目研究依據,藉此完成建立企業環境風險管理系統之程序。 運用「企業環境危害風險與結果管理績效評估」結果敘述如后:生產 績效提高9.3%,設備運轉率績效提高1%,生產成本績效減少10.5%,產品客訴減少43.6%,環境及安全衛生管理績效降低80.2%,虛驚事件績效降低70.4%。而企業整體環境社會責任管理績效與結果管理效益用九十四與九十五年度比較,產生一億四千八百七十九萬九千六百八十八元之經濟效益。這些績效證明運用企業環境危害風險管理評估模式對企業經營管理確實具有實質指標效果。 In this thesis, the environmental risk assessment for enterprise and performance management was used to achieve (1) reduction of waste, (2) reuse of waste, (3) reduction of water usage to lower the cost for wastewater treatment and the loading for the environment, (4) reduction in man-hour lose, (5) reduction in customer complaint, and (6) establishment of database and conformity of regulations. The theory of environmental risk assessment for enterprise and performance management was applied to a coffee manufacture and the protocol for the risk assessment of enterprise was build. It was found that after proper management, the production increased 9.3%, operation efficiency increased 1%, production cost lowered 10.5 %. Moreover, the complaint, environment and industrial hygiene cost, and the alarm cases significantly reduced 43,6%, 80.2%, and 70.4%, respectively. Compare to 2005, the company saved about 150 million dollars in 2006. These results suggests that the environmental risk assessment for enterprise and performance management effectively improved the management in production and industrial hygiene problems.