PCB製造業所需注入的人力較高,且依各項電子產品的需求規格不同,在製造程序中必須使用切斷及沖壓機具的緣故,導致作業場所產生的噪音不亞於其他產業,對勞工的聽力將有較大之影響。目前國內工安法規規定,對於85分貝以上的噪音場所需每半年定期檢測一次,但此測定只能了解作業人員的暴露量,卻無法更深入了解勞工是在哪個區域甚至是在哪種機具旁受到嚴重噪音暴露;另外PCB製造程序中,噪音源產生的主要分佈及作業人員暴露情況等相關記載的文獻資料並不多,以致於無法提供明確的資訊給管理人員參考運用,故當廠區管理人員想進行噪音場所的改善計劃時,將面臨不知從何著手的窘境。 本研究引用中央大學環境工程研究所智慧無線環境應用實驗室(Sweet LAB)所研發的無線射頻暴露評估系統(The Radio Frequency Exposure System, 簡稱RFES系統)來確認此系統是否適合用於PCB產業作業場所。經由測試結果發現RFES系統勞工時間活動模式驗證時間活動模式紀錄正確率可達97.92%;此外實場勞工暴露劑量驗證結果,系統與標準噪音劑量計之誤差,準噪音劑量誤差僅為0.5分貝,其誤差在噪音監測儀器容許誤差範圍內。 實場驗證結果顯示,系統在PCB實場所之驗證無論在勞工時間活動模式的量測或個人噪音暴露劑量量測上具有良好的表現,並解決廠區管理人員想進行噪音場所的改善計劃時卻不知從何著手的問題,本系統將有助於廠區管理人員更了解勞工在作業場所的行為模式,同時強化噪音暴露空間之管理及噪音工程改善之水準。 In PCB manufacturing, many workers work at noisy environments. For example, cutting and punching machines can create up to 95dB noises. Working in these environments for years may result in severs hearing loss. Therefore, understanding the noise exposure levels and identifying exact locations that causes excess exposures are keys to create meaningful noise protection programs. However, current noise exposure assessment methods only provide dose levels and durations. They do not provide such information that can help to pinpoint the hot spots of noise. The SWEETLAB, NCU has many years experiences in developing radio frequency identification based exposure assessment methods (The Radio Frequency Exposure System, RFES) which can detect the position of a worker and can measure the personal and local noise level in that position. The purposes of this study are to test the feasibility of using the RFES in PCB factory, and to understand the exposure levels and activity patterns of workers in the high noise area. The field tests showed that the accuracy of the REFS to identify worker’s positions reached 97.92%. Furthermore, noise exposure levels measured by personal dosimeter were no statistically significant different than that measured by the REFS. The difference between two methods was only 0.5 dB, and is less than the detection error of the sound level meter used in the REFS. These results confirmed that the REFS was able to identify workers’ locations and to measure the noise exposure levels in PCB manufacture.