高科技時代的來臨,隨其製程技術的變革,伴隨而來的特殊性污染物質,對於工業區內污水處理之操作維護會造成重大影響,進而增加污水處理場營運管理成本。此時,污水處理的收費方式是否合理且公平,更顯其重要性。 本研究,針對CMP廢水對污水處理中化學處理單元之操作影響進行評估,藉此了解CMP廢水之高濁度、低懸浮固體及微小粒徑等特性,對混凝膠羽的影響,結果顯示CMP廢水之pH符合進廠限值時,其化學處理單元之混凝膠羽影響最大,必須先行調整其pH值至10左右,所需硫酸鋁之加藥量為350 ppm,方有較佳之混凝效益,而不含CMP之原廢水,加藥量則為50 ppm。模擬污水處理現況之未處理前混合廢水,加藥量為100 ppm;經由不同孔徑濾膜過濾後之混合廢水,則以0.45 μm及0.2 μm孔徑濾膜過濾後之混合廢水所需硫酸鋁加藥量50 ppm與不含CMP之原廢水相同,依不同來源之廢水分析其所需加藥量,結果發現工業區處理CMP廢水時,必須增加一倍之硫酸鋁用量,始能與工業區處理不含CMP廢水相同之混凝效益。 CMP廢水之現行污水處理收費標準,SS濃度乃依行政院環境保護署公告之W210.57A檢測方法(玻璃纖維,濾紙孔徑1μm)檢測,因其微小粒徑皆可通過1 μm孔徑濾紙而使得CMP廢水並無法合理反應SS濃度。參斟成本分析結果,建議改採孔徑0.45 μm濾膜過濾較能反應CMP廢水之實際SS濃度;同時,可考慮增加污水處理費之SS水質收費費額約40%,以減輕污水處理營運管理成本之負荷。 Abstract Since the technology of product process continuously is improved some of the specific pollutants potentially cause serious problems on operation and treatment of the wastewater treatment plant in the industrial parks. Further, these pollutants could increase the cost of operation and maintainance for the wastewater treatment plant. Thus, it is important to set up reasonable fee criteria for these specific wastewaters. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) wastewater on the removal efficiency of chemical treatment process in a wastewater treatment plant. Moreover, characteristics of the wastewater including high turbidity, low suspended solid (SS) and micro-size particles, which result in interference on the floc formation in the coagulation process, are also investigated. The results indicated pH value of the wastewater reaches limit level that generated the highest effect on the floc formation. It is suggested that the optimum coagulant (aluminum sulfate, Al2(SO4)3) dose is 350 ppm when the pH level is adjusted to 10. However, without the CMP wastewater, the optimum coagulant dose for the general wastewater decreases to 50 ppm. The optimum dose for the simulated synthetic water is 100 ppm. When the raw wastewater mixed with the CMP wastewater was filtrated using the 0.45μm and 0.2μm filters, the optimum dose of the mixed wastewater is 50 ppm that is equal to general wastewater. Moreover, if the wastewaters were classified based on the pollution sources, the added amount of aluminum sulfate in CMP wastewater is two times than that of in general water with the similar coagulation efficiency. The fee criteria about wastewater discharged into wastewater treatment system in the industrial park is performed based on the concentration of SS through 1μm filter. In this case, the measured SS concentration cannot reflect on the pollution level for the CMP wastewater because some of the SS in the CMP wastewater can penetrate the 1μm filter. We suggested that the 0.45μm filter is used to measure SS concentration of the CMP wastewater which is a proper way for the cost assessment. Moreover, the increase in the fee according to the SS concentration is approximate 40%, which reduce the loading of operation cost.