結果管理(managing for results)為Peter F. Drucker於1890年提出之管理原則,此原則強調以策略規劃為主要方法獲致組織所期望結果。依此原則可發展出有效達成預期結果的管理方法包括:定義可量測的結果,規劃可達到此結果之策略與計畫和以產出結果為主要審核與考核依據來確認是否確實達成期望之結果。工業區污水處理廠本具有明確的營運目標,依此管理原則可輔助污水處理廠有效達成其營運目標。因此本研究引用結果管理之管理原則發展工業區污水處理廠之結果導向營運管理系統。針對台灣工業區污水處理廠有放流水不符合排放標準和營運收支狀況不能平衡的現況,以及工業區廢水處理問題長期解決之考量,因此需要從管理面尋求改善之方法。就目前工業區污水處理廠之營運現況而言,結果導向營運管理系統不僅可輔助污水處理理廠有效達成處理廢水之任務,尚可作為後續提升個人以至於組織之績效、降低污水處理廠營運之成本、研發及引用新進技術與執行有效規劃之基礎。 Abstract In Taiwan, the effluent discharged from wastewater treatment plants were often not conform to the effluent standards, and revenue and expenditure were often not balanced. In order to solve these problems, this thesis integrates the opinion of managing for results to develop results-oriented management system. There is three parts, planning stage, implementation stage and control stage included in a results-oriented management system include. “Managing for results” is a management principle that addressed by Peter F. Drucker in 1980. This principle emphasize that a company should allot resource on something that can produce results, thus the resource can be used effectively. There is specific and clear mission in the operation of wastewater treatment plants and the results-oriented management system can help the teams that operate wastewater treatment plants to complete the mission.