連續流循序批分式活性污泥系統(Continuous-Flow Sequencing Batch Reactor, CFSBR)在自動監測控制系統的發展上,主要利用監測ORP與pH發生之折點,達成即時監測控制好氧相及缺氧相之操作反應時間,並以達到節省操作時間及提高處理效率為目標。然而,傳統之好氧相控制策略採取固定曝氣量方式進行,此等操作方式,並無法依循系統生化反應與系統微生物活性狀態進行曝氣量調整,易造成系統效率與效益之減低。是故,本研究透過系統動態溶氧平衡式之建置作為CFSBR系統好氧相曝氣控制策略之研擬基礎,以提昇系統之整體效率及效益;然而,此控制策略必須根據系統溶氧轉換係數與系統攝氧率之監測資訊以達成回饋控制系統欲維持溶氧狀態與其所需之曝氣量。故本研究主要建立一線上即時監測系統溶氧轉換係數與攝氧率方法,以期能達成氧相曝氣控制。由研究結果指出,利用線上量測溶氧轉換係數與系統攝氧率之監測,不但能有效達成欲控制之系統溶氧濃度,亦可使結合監測ORP與pH之折點變化進行即時控制,以提高其操做效益。此外,利用長期線上即時監測系統攝氧率資料,不但可以反應出系統微生物活性變化,亦可瞭解系統微生物所處之F/M ratio 之狀態與系統穩定度之變化。另一方面,利用系統好氧相累積攝氧量進行分析發現, 其比攝氧利用率可作為系統反應動力參數與預測好氧相操作終點之參考依據,最後,控制系統可根據即時量測系統攝氧率的變化,做為現場操作系統異常判定之依據。 As a simple and compact wastewater treatment system, the continuous-flow sequencing batch reactor (CFSBR) is capable of removing the organic carbonaceous materials, nitrogen and phosphorus biological nutrients by cycling anaerobic, aerobic, anoxic, settling and discharge phases. To increase the comprehensive performance of this system, automation is the optimal procedure for increasing the performance of a wastewater treatment system. The original control strategy for aerobic phase was usually executed under high DO level conditions by fixed aeration time, and by the ORP/pH real-time control approaches to ensure the performances of biological nitrogen removal. But, these control approaches always led to poor stability of biological phosphate removal, sludge bulking and highly aeration costs. Therefore, developing an aeration control approach for increasing the comprehensive performance of CFSBR is the critical point. In this reason, this study tries to develop a novel real-time control strategy by using dynamic oxygen mass balance equation with two monitoring parameters, oxygen transfer ratio and respiration. And the results showed this method was not only reaching DO set point effectively, but also understanding the activity of the biological organisms in this system. In addition, analyze the accumulation respiration data could help us to ensure the biochemical reaction in aerobic phase was over. Finally, the real-time monitoring information could help local operator to distinguish unusual state of CFSBR system easily.