國內關於停車導引資訊之研究中,動態停車導引資訊系統主要用於顯示停車場之動、靜態資訊,以指引駕駛人尋找適當的停車地點,然針對停車場內各停車位詳細的使用情形卻無從得知。 因此本研究以發展成熟的超音波感測器定位方式判斷各個停車格內車輛停放情形,結合無線傳輸技術、電子控制及網路傳輸技術開發並實作適用的無線感測網路以提供地下停車場的停車資訊(Parking Information System Using Wireless Sensor Network,以下簡稱P-WSN)。主要提供即時的地下停車場停車相關資訊,期望能有效降低停車花費時間並且提高停車場的使用效能。 本系統在通訊協定中加入可靠的資料傳輸確認機制(Acknowledgement, ACK)以有效改善無線通訊品質;同時建立階層式多重路由之感測網路(multi-path routing of layered sensor network)以最短路徑傳送感測資料。在測試結果中顯示,感測網路中資料傳輸的正確率高達100%。為確認環境因素對本系統的干擾程度,P-WSN系統於本校國鼎圖書館地下停車場持續運作長達約一星期,並將測試結果對照停車場使用者的進出刷卡記錄。結果顯示,本系統的確達到預期的成果並且具備地下地車場即時停車資訊提供之功能。 In Taiwan various parking guidance systems have been proposed, but until recently all of them were providing information of parking lot to the users only. In this paper a parking information system based on the latest advances in wireless telecommunication technologies and communication devices is presented. The Parking Information System Using Wireless Sensor Network (called P-WSN) using ultrasonic sensors organized in a layered wireless network of multi-path routing. P-WSN system is organized automatically, without any user intervention. In addition, we mended the performance of wireless communication using a three-based ACK protocol. We have implemented several novel techniques for providing parking information in wireless sensor network. Based on these techniques, we have developed an ultrasonic sensor networking platform (P-WSN). P-WSN system is operated successfully in the parking lot of Kwoh-Ting Library in the National Central University.