Abstract: | 有鑑於光阻劑的文獻上,大部分皆在探討半導體上之應用,關於光阻劑在TFT LCD上的相關文獻相當的少,因此決定本論文之研究方向以I-Line光阻劑於TFT LCD Array製程之應用及評估為主題。 本論文之研究目的,主要在於結合光阻劑製造商與TFT LCD面板製造廠,在於選擇及評估光阻上建立一個快速導入光阻評估的方法,並依此結論提供TFT LCD面板製造廠建立一個光阻評估的模式(Model)及方法,以縮短業者在光阻的評估及實驗上,以有效降低業者之成本。 本研究亦使用量產上的設備(如:光學薄膜測厚儀,光阻旋轉塗佈機,光學歩近式曝光機,顯影機…等),來評價A公司Resist A及T公司Resist B兩支光阻,以得到與TFT LCD面板製造廠最接近之研究結果,並將此最佳量產條件應用於TFT LCD面板製造廠,以縮短量產時間,並提升業者之競爭力。 本研究透過一系列之評估實驗:Spin Coater轉速、光阻塗佈均一性、Swing Curve、Smile Curve、Eth/Eop、曝光能量、顯影時間、Depth of Focus(DOF)、Adhesion、Side Etching…等,可以判斷出T公司Resist B及A公司Resist A兩支光阻,雖然皆適用於TFT LCD面板製造廠,但卻各有其優缺點。 A公司Resist A及T公司Resist B兩支光阻在本論文研究的總結如下,若在產能的考量下,則建議選擇使用A公司Resist A光阻,若在製程穩定性的考量下,則建議選擇使用T公司Resist B光阻。因此TFT LCD業者該如何選擇光阻,將以工廠之整體經濟效益、成本及利潤考量為主。 Regarding to researches of Photoresist, mostly these are related to the applications in Semi-conductor, but rare in “TFT LCD Array”. Owing to this, the thesis will be laid on the “Application, and Evaluation of I-Line Photoresist, applied in TFT LCD Array Process”. Mainly, the purpose of the research is to construct the efficient methodology, which is to evaluate new Photoresist, and to implement in the mass-production. With the cooperation of Photoresist and Panel makers, the conclusion has offered TFT-LCD maker(s) a new model (method) for the evaluation of Photoresist, which could shorten the evaluation procedure and reduce the evaluation cost. In order to secure the most similar experimental results to the realistic TFT-LCD Makers, the actual manufacturing equipments are utilized to evaluate these two Photoresist, respectively are “Company T Resist B” and “Company A Resist A”. The optimal production- parameters had been implemented by TFT-LCD maker, and contributed to the cost-down and competitiveness. The research is proved by a serious of evaluations: judged by the “Spin-Speed”,“Coating Uniformity”,“Swing Curve”, “Eth/Eop”,“Exposing Energy”,“Depth of Focus(DOF)”, “Adhesion”、and“Side Etching”, both“Company T Resist B”and ”Company A Resist A”could be adopted by TFT-LCD makers, but each shared their own merits. The research, which is related to Photoresist evaluation of “Company T Resist B”and ”Company A Resist A”, is concluded as that: Under the consideration of mass-production, “Company A Resist A” would be the better choice; if pursuing the stable process stability, “Company T Resist B” could show more excellent performance. Thus, for TFT LCD makers, how to choose the ideal Photoresist should depend on the Gross Economic benefits, Cost, and Profits of the whole Fab. |