電遷移對於電子元件內層導線與覆晶銲點造成可靠度上的威脅,金屬錫為銲料常見元素之ㄧ,故本文主要研究電遷移效應對於純錫導線的影響,當高電流密度引發電遷移效應時,有凸塊生成在陽極端,而陰極端則有凹陷的現象,導線上的錫晶粒有些許旋轉現象,晶界亦有明顯化的趨勢。改變溫度參數,比較在100℃與室溫下作通電實驗,高溫會加速電遷移效應對純錫導線的影響。利用SEM與三角函數公式計算在各種實驗條件下的錫晶粒旋轉角度變化,發現電流密度愈高,晶粒旋轉的角度愈大;但通電溫度升高,別沒有增加晶粒旋轉的角度,反而變小。並對晶粒旋轉作動力學探討。利用EBSD儀器所得到的數據結果,我們可以合理相信錫晶粒旋轉是由於高電阻值的晶粒產生旋轉而造成,且旋轉方向朝往低電阻值的排列方向。 Electromigration is a generic reliability issue in electronic device and flip chip. Because the tin metal is the common material of solder, we study the effect of tin strip under electromigration. When high current density induced electromigration effect, the hillocks growth in anode side; the voids growth in cathode side, there are grains rotation phenomenon on tin strip. Change temperature parameter, when current stressing at 100℃ and room temperature, the electromigration effect on tin strip increase with high temperature. Calculate the change of the tin grains rotation angle under various experiment conditions by SEM photo and trigonometric function. We observed the larger grain rotation angle with high current density, however increase experiment temperature, the grain rotation angle smaller. We have kinetic analysis of grain rotation in anisotropic tin under electromigration. From the EBSD data results shown a grain is rotated from a high to a low resistance orientation with respect to the applied current direction.