本研究利用培養Penicillium brevi-compactum生產Mycophenolic acid(MPA),MPA用來作為器官移植時抑制免疫反應的藥物,作為Inositol MonoPhosphate DeHydrogenase(IMPDH)之非競爭型抑制劑。 ??研究中利用攪拌式發酵槽調整發酵期間之通氣量(0.05vvm、0.2vvm、0.4vvm、0.5vvm、1.0vvm、1.2vvm、1.5vvm),探討最佳的培養條件,最適合菌體生長的通氣量為1.5vvm,而對於菌體發酵生產MPA的產率來看,最適通氣量為1.0vvm。另外,由實驗結果發現通氣量=1.5vvm下的比生長速率(μ)最大,菌體生長所需要之時間最短,產物生產所需要的時間也最短。在添加oxygen vector的實驗中。藉由添加C14作為oxygen vector,在低通氣量中(0.05vvm)便可得到最佳MPA的產量,顯現添加oxygen vector,有利於Penicillium brevi-compactum生產MPA的製程。 ??b固態發酵的探討上,發現菌體生長和MPA產量方面,攝氏28度是最適合的。 Effects of oxygen supply on the production, MPA production and product yield by Penicillium brevicompactum were evaluated by four air flow rate-controlled batch cultures. As the air flow rate was controlled as 0.05, 0.4, 0.5 ,1.0vvm of each batch, the maximum MPA concentration increased from 0.210 to 0.236 g/liter, and product yield (Yp/s) increased form 0.017 to 0.026. By adding 2%C14 (1-tetradecene ) as oxygen vector in the low oxygen supply condition, the batch (0.05vvm) performed similar fermentation kinetic as that of the sufficient oxygen supply condition(1.0vvm). Lower energy consumption in aeration system could be obtain by adding C14 in the batch culture.