摘要 樟芝為食用藥菇中的一種,食用藥菇最吸引人的地方在其抗癌、抗腫瘤的效果,而樟芝所含有的特殊三萜類,為其它植物所沒有,其最主要的功能為:抑制組織胺釋放、防止過敏、促進肝功能、促進血小板凝集、以及降血脂,防止中老年人發生心血管疾病,因此具有相當潛力被開發為未來醫療用品,或做為國人近年來最熱門的保健食品。 為了研究有效增加樟芝菌之三萜類產量,並縮短生產時間,本研究將利用溫度的改變在液態發酵與固態發酵中觀察其結果: (1)在液態發酵中菌體生長最好的卻不適合產物生長,反觀 再低溫24℃時其菌體生長情況差但其產物之轉化率與產率 卻是較高的。 (2)在多醣分子量方面當菌體生長情況良好時其分子量皆較低, 當溫度降低或升高導致菌體生長情況不良其分子量皆會上升。 (3)在固態發酵中期水活性是相當重要的,水活性太低則菌體幾乎不 長,當水活性適中時其菌體生長情況良好,若添加再高之水活性 並無太大之影響。 Abstract The main purpose of this research was to study the effect of the temperature on the production of biomass concentration, extracellular polysaccharide and triterpenoids of Antrodia camphorate(BCRC35396) in solid state fermentation and submerged fermentation. Based on the results obtained from plate cultures,biomass concentration could reach to 0.512g dry weight/plate at initial water 5ml and 22℃ in 21days.The triterpenoids productivity of solid state fermentation in lower temperature was larger than that in higher temperature. In submerged fermentation,the triterpenoids is the same as the results in solid state fermentation.The lower temperature could promote the production of triterpenoids and extracellular polysaccharide.