都市的維生線系統,新舊管線雜陳,錯綜複雜,耐震能力各有不同;另外也無法避免設置管線於地質災害潛能高的地區,而龐大的管線系統經年埋置地下,無法仔細檢視及評估,縱使平常的維護工作,對管理者也是一個很大的挑戰。經由九二一集集地震及日本阪神地震的慘痛教訓,顯示維生管線在耐震方面的脆弱性。為了減少地震時維生管線損壞的風險,檢討各類管線的耐震能力及對策是防、救災重要的一環。本研究收集地震時維生管線國內外受損的資料,並提出適合國內維生線災損率預估的公式,可供震災情境模擬輸入的基本資料,對不同地區管線未來發生地震時,可能災損的情況預先掌握。由於台灣人口集中的地區,也就是管線密度高的地方都位於沖積層上,因此本研究也就地盤液化對維生管線的影響以及管線的抗液化對策提出建議。比較國內、中國大陸、美國及日本的地下維生管線耐震能力評估法後,本研究研擬「地下維生管線耐震能力評估及改善準則草案」。這個草案提供維生線主管機關及事業單位擬訂完善地震防災對策的參考,可以減少日後地震發生時對社會經濟秩序之衝擊。另外新設維生管線也能在設計時,就進行耐震設計考量,避免日後受震造成損害。 Lifeline facilities may take a lot of time to be built and they daily serve the entire citizen in a city. The pipelines and the related facilities are often buried under- ground in the different time. Maintenance of a lifeline system is considerably difficult because of difficult routine inspection on them for the authority of the lifeline. Strong earthquakes will cause ground displacement around the buried pipelines and damage the pipelines. When utility operators are planning a seismic retrofit or an upgrade program for an existing system, an evaluation of the potential losses (e.g., direct repairs costs and temporary system outages) due to future earthquake is often the first task. The damage types and characteristics of the buried pipes are collected and studied in the Chi-Chi earthquake. The repair rates of water pipe line and gas pipeline are proposed for an evaluation of potential lifeline loss in future earthquakes. The seismic resistant design codes from Japan, USA, and Mainland China are collected and compared each other. The appropriate strategies to mitigate the pipeline damages caused by liquefaction are also presented. Finally, based on the recent seismic design codes for buried pipelines, the seismic capacity assessment and guidelines for the pipelines are proposed. The proposed guidelines may provide a key to revise the each seismic resistant code for the authority in charge of a specific lifeline facility. 研究期間:9008 ~ 9011