本三年的研究計劃將發展出一可模擬手術過程及手術技巧的最小侵入式手術模擬系統,主要是提供實習醫師及住院醫師一優良的訓練最小侵入式手術技術的學習環境,使其在不受時間與實習環境的限制下,充份的學得最小侵入式手術的基本技能,這不僅對推廣最小侵入式手術的應用層面有極大助力,也可提高手術效率與品質,對醫師、醫院及病人皆享其益。此模擬器是由兩具裝有手術工具的輸入機構及一虛擬立體腹腔環境所組成。輸入機構是用來供使用者操作手術工具及量測此手術工具端點的方位座標;虛擬立體腹腔環境則是依據電腦斷層或磁共振影像,利用虛擬實境技術產生人體器官的立體動態圖形,再依據輸入機構所量得的手術工具方位座標,將手術工具圖形與虛擬腹腔環境整合成一虛擬手術模擬環境。又將發展一可隨輸入機構做一對一動作的手術工具定位機構,此定位機構將被用來以動物實驗的方式測試手術模擬器的性能及虛擬手術環境與真實手術環境的相似程度,未來也可用來作腹腔鏡定位及機器人手術的應用。在研究過程中,另外亦將以統計分析方式探討並比較以手術模擬器與傳統臨床訓練方式的訓練成效與優劣性。 This three-year program is to develop a surgical simulator for minimum invasive surgery (MIS), which is capable to simulate surgical process. The simulator will enable interns and residents to learn basic surgical skill of MIS without the restriction of time and training environment. Such a simulator will not only enhance the development and application of minimum invasive surgery, but also improve surgery efficiency and quality, which definitely benefits hospitals, doctors, and patients.The simulator is composed of two input devices with surgical tools and a virtual stereo abdominal environment. The input devices are designed for trainees to operate surgical tools and to measure the positions and orientations of the surgical tools. The virtual stereo abdominal environment will be generated by using CT or MRI images and virtual reality technology. The dynamic stereo graphics of human organs will be integrated with the graphics of the surgical tools mounted on the input devices to produce a virtual surgical environment. Moreover, a device for positioning surgical tools, which can exactly follow the operation of the input device, will be developed to verify the quality and capability of the surgical simulator and the similarity between virtual and real surgical environments. In the future, this positioning device can also be applied to laparoscope positioning and robotic surgery. During the research, statistic and analytic methods will be applied to verify the training efficiency and discrepancy by using the surgical simulator and traditional on-job training. 研究領域:8807 ~ 8906