本研究以衛星遙測技術為考量,整合國內可獲取之衛星影像來源進行勘災能力之測試。研究內容包括: (1) 比較各種遙測技術適用於公共建設天然災害即時勘災之優缺點。 (2) 文獻資料之蒐集與分析。 (3) 建立即時之遙測勘災觀察系統。並以實際之動員進行成果展示。研究成果顯示,光學衛星(包括SPOT及EROS)具有容易識別之能力,其豐富之內含有利於大範圍全面性之災害調查。但因受天候之影像,故無法達成快速之勘災之目標。衛星雷達影像中Radarsat所採之RERSS機制可將取樣時間所短至2天。連同資料傳輸及處理共需六十餘小時,因此對即時性之勘災亦有限制。綜合研究之成果,考量各種遙測資料之特性,文中將對即時勘災做出建議。並從技術面建議一個可供實用的遙測勘災機制中所需考量之重點。 Based on the satellite remote sensing technology, this investigation is to integrate the recourses of satellite data to test the capability for disaster survey in Taiwan. Major components in the investigation include (1) comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various remote sensing technologies in disaster survey for public constructions, (2) literature review, data collection, and data analyses, (3) establishing a observation system for disaster survey, in which, a real case study will be included. Experimental results indicate that the optical satellites (including SPOT and EROS) are with better interpretability, its fluent information contents provide a good potential in comprehensive disaster survey for large areas. However, the weather condition limits its capability in real data acquisition. On the other hand, Radarsat provides the RERSS scheme that could reduce the image acquisition time to two days. Including data transfer and processing, some sixty hours might be needed to provide the disaster information. Thus, a real-time scheme can only be achieved when three days or longer are required. This report will provide some suggestions based on the characteristics of various remotely sensed data. From technical point of view, we will also suggest a practical scheme for disaster survey using remote sensing technology. 研究期間:9006 ~ 9011