本計畫書擬利用多元雷達觀測技術評估並規劃台灣水文、地文變遷監測系統,其內容包括:雷達觀測技術發展現況(空載、衛載及地面);雷達觀測技術應用於土地利用變遷之監測(水體、地表覆蓋、作物分類);雷達觀測技術應用於地形與位移之監測;雷達觀測技術應用於水文之監測(流速、降雨、淹水)。並針對全球遙測技術之展望規劃台灣雷達遙測運作機制及作業體系以提升政府於災害防救與水資源管理決策之效率。 This proposal is to assess and plan a hydrologic and land surface changes detection and monitoring system based on multi-platform radar remote sensing technique, including: the status and trend of radar remote sensing (airborne, space-borne, and ground-based); the applications of radar remote sensing for land use change detection (water body, land-cover, and crop classification); the applications of radar remote sensing for topographic and landslide mapping; the applications of radar remote sensing for hydrology (river current velocity, rainfalls, floods). In view of global development and trend, this proposal also plans an operational mechanism and workflow in support of improving disaster preparedness and mitigation, and water resource management. 研究期間:9008 ~ 9012