摘要: | 應用衛星資料建立台灣地區動態植被指數資料庫( 3/3 ): 傳統台灣地區森林面積及種類的調查是利用航空照片經人工判識後始能獲得, 較為耗時費力且不具時效.目前的衛星資料與遙測技術已經可以提供大至台灣全島, 小至局部森林地區的資訊, 具有在短時間內計算台灣地區森林之面積、偵測地區性森林之變遷、甚至辨識區分森林之種類等潛能, 除在經濟效益與時效性上有相當程度的改善外, 亦提供了目前偵( 監 )測森林異常變化之最佳利器.此外, 正當全球重視森林資源與二氧化碳排放問題的同時, 如能精算我國的森林面積及變化情形, 不但可掌握二氧化碳的排放權, 甚至還有利可圖, 對國內森林資源的開發與應用有莫大的幫助.而本計劃之主要重點即在於衛星資料應用於台灣地區計算森林面積與辨識森林種類技術之研發.擬解決之問題則有下列幾項: 1.NOAA AVHRR或SPOT-4VI資料在台灣地區森林面積計算技術之研發; 2.SPOT HRV資料在森林分類技術之研發; 3.高地面解析資料( 如IKONOS等 )於各類林種光譜資料之收集與建立. To Construct the Vegetation Index Database of Taiwan Area by Using the Satellite Data ( 3/3 ): Traditionally, the surveying of forest areas in Taiwan are conducted through analysis of aerial photos that requires extensive man-power, and in terms of the temporal resolution, they are considered unsatisfactory.On the contrary, satellite remote sensing is capable of providing an island-wide coverage, while on the other hand, concentrating within a certain area such as a forest with high spatial resolution data in just a few days.It's advantages in providing a method in investigating the variations of the forest area prove to be economical and effective.The merits in applying satellite remote sensing should be emphasized even further regarding the amount of CO?that is currently emitted.This is due to the fact that foresting can be considered as an alternative solution in mitigating the CO?effects from industrialization.The main goal of this study is to apply satellite data in performing an analysis and classification of the forest area with the following key tasks: 1 )Applying NOAA AVHRR and SPOT-4VI on the forest areas of Taiwan, 2 )Applying SPOT HRV data in forest classification, 3 )Establishing a databank of the different spectral properties of the various trees in Taiwan which are collected by high resolution satellite sensors, such as IKONOS and SPOT. 研究期間:9001 ~ 9012 |