屬於Ka波段之無線傳輸的地面多點分配系統(Local Multipoint Distribution System ,LMDS)在陸地微波站的應用日趨重要,由於頻譜之擁擠,以及頻寬需求量遽增,近年 來世界各國均開發以Ka波段作為地面寬頻網路以及陸地台與衛星間的鏈路。由於高頻波 受雨衰及多路徑效應影響甚大,故有必要對高頻波的雨衰及多路徑效應作分析及量測。 本計劃利用目前架設於桃園楊梅地區中華電信研究所之LMDS基站台,配合雨量計,Ka波 段降雨衰減量測設備以及移動式Ka波段信號分析設備,擬進行一年期LMDS波段對於環境 傳播特性之量測與分析,藉以提供未來LMDS設備於台灣地區使用之參考依據。 The Ka band Local Multipoint Distribution System(LMDS) are widely applied for land─land microwave communications. Due to the scarce spectrum, in recent years, Ka-band is used for wide band internet service and satellite communication. It is necessary to do more measurements and studies for the propagation characteristics. Since rain attenuation and multi-path effects play a much important role in radio propagation at Ka band. In this project, we will use the LMDS in Chung-Li which is supported by Chunghwa Telecom Laboratories, rain gauges and Ka band rain attenuation measurement system to measure and analysis the LMDS propagation environment characteristics. This project will study the propagation characteristics for the above systems by measuring and analyzing the corresponding field in rain attenuation and multi-path effects to promote a good predication propagation model. 研究期間:9003 ~ 9102