In accordance with the operation and maintenance plan of NSPO, a technical team is proposed to be established within the National Central University. The mission of this team is to provide the local support to the operation and maintenance of NSPO’s Northern TT&C station located at Chung-Li. This technical team will be supervised adminstratively by the University and technically by NSPO. During the normal ROCSAT-1 mission phase, this local team is required to keep a close and near real-time contact with the Mission Operation Center of NSPO. The job functions of the team include the provision of preventive and corrective maintenance of the antenna system and supporting facilities, the coordination and monitoring of all local supporting contracts, and budget management. The project extends over five and half years (from 86.1.1 to 91.6.30). The current proposal is intended for the 4th yearly phase, extending from 88.7.1 to 89.12.31. The content of the proposal includes the mission and task description, task schedules, deliverables and budgets. It is expected that this local team can help NSPO to ensure that the ROCSAT-1 mission can run without a hitch during its lifetime. 本委託計畫之主要目的係依照NSPO所擬之操作維護規劃(O&M),於本校之中華衛星中壢遙傳追蹤指令(TT&C)站編組現場支援小組(隸屬"中華衛星一號任務執行團隊"(RMOT)TT&C現場支援小組),以執行地面站之操作維護工作。 現場支援小組於ROCSAT-1任務執行期間,隨時與NSPO任務執行中心(MOC)保持密切連繫,傳達天線設備、控制室儀器與一般設施之運作狀況,並提供天線設備定期預防保養及故障檢修之人力支援;在地面站一般設施管理方面,定期實施TT&C站各相關設施的維護及預防保養工作,維持所有設施的正常運作,在行政方面隨時掌控計畫時程及管理經費運用,以確保計畫順利運作。 本計畫書詳列89年度(88.7.1?89.12.31,為期一年半)之工作規劃及相關經費需求,內含人事費、設備費、業務費、旅運費、維護費及管理費等。 本計畫之執行,有助於ROCSAT-1衛星任務的順利運作及TT&C站設備之維護保養,並可大幅縮短故障排除時間,以提高地面系統之可靠度,參與人員也可從中獲得衛星地面站相關設備之操作控制及維修保養等之相關實務經驗,對國家衛星計畫之推展有相當大之正面意義。 研究領域:8807 ~ 8912