近年來大台北地區土地之高度開發利用,使得台北盆地之地下地質成為極為重要之研究課題。由近期研究得知盆地最深處位於盆地西緣五股-蘆洲地區,而盆地緊臨林口台地邊緣之深度變化梯度極大。鑑於斷層對都市發展之潛在危險性,若該斷層於較近地質年代曾發生錯動,則該斷層可能觸發另一新地震造成該地區重大破壞及損失,因此,實有必要對斷層之位態與地質性質詳加研究。五股地區之地質鑽井已鑽遇山腳斷層之斷層面,資料顯示其向東傾斜甚大。雖該地區曾由中油公司之探井(吳,1965)得知,新莊斷層上盤曾錯動下滑並造成另一山腳斷層於其上,但斷層在地表則沒有任何露頭及徵兆足以追蹤描繪,且其向東延伸詳細情形為何,並無任何資料加以佐證。本計畫前期88年度計畫(謝,1999),於五股交流道北側區域施測二條反射震測剖面測線,獲致相當不錯的成果。是以,本期計畫以88年度計畫之五股測區為基區,向其南與北向延伸,新增三測區,藉由橫跨山腳斷層推測位置之反射震測剖面測線,並配合現有鑽井資料及過去斷層沿線之測線,期確切明暸斷層南北走向所經過之位置及測繪斷層面向東傾斜之位態。再則,配合過去盆地內所獲知之盆地基盤形貌,不僅可以詳細暸解新莊斷層與山腳斷層於盆地西緣位置與斷層傾斜狀況,且可作為工程建設之依據,更進一步提供作為台北盆地形成與構造演化模型之用。 Due to highly cultivated development and intensively cultural activity in Taipei Metropolitan, subsurface investigation and mapping of the active faults in Taipei Basin becomes more important than before. Based on the wells in the western flank of basin, the gradient of rock basement near Wuku - Luchow area varies very steeply. And thus, it implies a highly potential risk for the future development and modernization. Recently, the rock basement of Sanchiao fault drilled by CGS shows that the fault plane is dipping to the east with a nearly 60 degrees. Although, Sanchiao fault has been firstly verified by Wu (1965), there are still no more data or any outcrops to delineate or to map the extension of the fault. It is the aim of this proposal to make a seismic field survey transversely the strike of Sanchiao fault to delineate the distribution of the both Hsinchuang fault and Sanchiao fault in this area for modeling the evolution of Taipei Basin. 研究領域:8810 ~ 8907