本主劃擬逐步從事高解析度中子繞射儀和三軸式中子散射儀的設計,並擴大到 NIST從事中子散射實驗,建立中子束應用實驗使用者組群,加強與NIST合作,學習 散射儀的設計與興建技術,引進國內。在儀器概念設計方面,本年度擬從事(1)"位 置靈敏偵測器"與"多頻道偵測器"的基本功能探討,(2)建立一小型原型散射儀,發 展儀控系統。而中子散射實驗方面則發展(1)晶體結構分析技術,(2)探討巨磁阻錳 氧化物的電性與磁性的互動關係,(3)研討高溫超導銅氧化物的超導性與磁性間的耦 合作用,(4)研究導電高分子及其奈米複合物的結構與磁有序特性,配合其他性質的 研究,以達到了解高分子結構、改善導電高分子之性能、提高其應用價值、擴展其 應用領域的目的。(5)從事蛋白質的結構研究。擬以小角度中子散射儀(SANS-30m (NG7))設備進行水溶液中純化酵素之結構研究。突破蛋白質結構之瓶頸-即不必取得 單晶進行X-光繞射即可獲得蛋白質結構資訊且為生物白質結構之瓶頸-即不必取得 單晶進行X-光繞射即可獲得蛋白質結構資訊且為生物分子在液態中之自然結構而 非結晶後之結構。 We propose to develop the knowledge and techniques needed for designing high- resolution multi-detector neutron diffractometer and triple-axis neutron spectrometer. Forming a neutron beam user group, and continue to perform neutron scattering experiments at NIST. Enhancing the cooperative programs with NIST, and learns the design and construct techniques for beam application instruments. On the instrument development, we plan to (1) study the basic properties of position sensitive detector system and compare to the multi-channel detector system,(2) construct a prototype in-house Triple-axis spectrometer and develop the control system. For the neutron scattering Experiment, we will study the following subjects: (1) Develop the structural analysis System for refining the high-resolution diffraction pattern. (2) Study the interplay Between the electric and magnetic activities occurring in the CMR manganites. (3) Search for the coupling between the superconductivity and magnetism in high-Tc Superconducting oxides. (4) Determine the structure and magnetic properties of the Conducting polymers and their nanocomposites. (5) Study the structure of purified Catechol dioxygenase in solution. 研究領域:8807 ~ 8906