本計畫為國科會太空計畫室為發展我國探空火箭探測計畫所主動規劃邀請的探空火箭科學酬載計畫之一。在本計畫中,將利用三甲基鋁(Trimethylaluminum, TMA)易與空氣中之氧氣(Oxygen)與水分子發生燃燒(Spontaneous Combustion)的特性,擬與美國南卡羅來納州Clemson大學物理系的Miguel Larsen教授合作研製TMA酬載,包括TMA容器,壓力槽,爆衝閥,調界閥,以及相關電子裝置。在本計畫中擬將TMA酬載裝置於我國自行製造的探空火箭上,將TMA液體在離地80公里到150公里的高度區間中,即中氣層(Mesosphere)以及低電離層(Lower Ionosphere),利用調節閥,以間隔兩秒開一秒的方式釋放出,經與該處的氧氣與水分子發生燃燒作用後,再利用設在地面上相距適當距離(約150公里到200公里之間)的三具高性能數位三維照相系統,追蹤TMA尾跡(Trail),藉以推算出當地的中性風場(Neutral Wind)以及大氣亂流擴散係數(Diffusion Coefficient),以進一步了解中低緯度中氣層與低電離層中性大氣的動力現象。此外並可以對解釋電離層散塊E層(Sporadic E Layer)形成的風切理論(Wind Shear Theory)的正確性進行檢驗。至於中性大氣亂流(Neutral Turbulence)對電離層電子密度不規則體(Electron DensityIrregularities)生成機制的影響,亦可以經由本計畫的執行結果加以驗證。 In this project, with employing the property of the spontaneous combustion of Trimethylaluminum (TMA) on contact with the oxygen and water in the air, a TMA payload is planning to mount on the sounding rocket in collaboration with the Prof. Miguel Larsen with the Department of Physics in the University of Clemson in South Carolina of U.S.A. The TMA vapor will be released in the height range between 80 ~ 150 km, i.e., mesosphere and lowe ionosphere. The TMA trail will be formed through the combustion reaction of TMA vapor with the oxygen and water vapor in the height range. The TMA trail can be tracked by using three sets of ground-based high performance digital camera system with suitable distances (about 150 ~ 200 km). The neutral wind can thus be estimated through the procedure of triangulation. We hope that the experimental results can provide us the valuable information to understand the dynamics of the neutral atmosphere in the mesosphere and lower ionosphere. In addition, The wind shear theory that is used to illustrate the formation of the sporadic E layer can also be examined. Furthermore, the question of whether the plasma turbulence can be induced by the neutral turbulence can also be checked. 研究期間:9108 ~ 9212