本計劃擬參考美、日及中國大陸專家學者對地震前兆研究經驗,選擇較可行之方法,在花蓮地區,建立一個多功能的實驗園區,安裝各項儀器設備,進行觀測實驗,一方面提供民眾的地震教育,另一方面實際瞭解各項地震前兆的物理現象,進而分析其可行性,作為未來推展地震預測計劃之參考。本年度先進行規劃,蒐集相關文獻,選定園區位置、儀器規格及費用,以利中央氣象局規劃下一個階段施政計畫與編列預算參考。 This project will propose a multi-function experimental park for earthquake precursor observation in Hualien area, referred from the study experience in the United State, Japan, and China. This park can provide the function of earthquake education to people, and to investigate the physical phenomena of earthquake precursors. From the analysis of these precursors, a better way to develop the program of earthquake prediction in future will be suggested. In this year, a planning work for collecting related papers, selecting the location of the experimental park, and suggesting the types and price of instruments will be done. 研究期間:9101 ~ 9112