摘要: | 臺灣一直以來就是一塊充滿苦難的土地,隔海邊陲、戰敗割讓,偏安政權卻要成為維繫民族大義的所在。積極奮起的人民,義無反顧的用盡各種方式在外交領域中衝鋒陷陣,發現體育活動可以事半功倍。 中國雖被謔稱為「東亞病夫」,卻早在一八七三年由滿清派往美國的留學生組成棒球隊,於一八八一年擊敗奧克蘭隊,其中球員包括興建鐵路的詹天佑,和駐美公使梁敦彥,在艱困的國際情勢下,為中國人揚眉吐氣,似乎成為中國運動員一直以來存在的使命。 國際處境愈見窒礙,臺灣加入任何國際組織都遭受杯葛,唯有在讓「政治歸政治,體育歸體育」的口號下,有了一線生機,而運動員成了為國爭光的利器。只是在風光背後的現實,往往充斥著不為人知的辛酸,為了保留這些貢獻的永久價值,為了讓普羅大眾有可供取法的對象,將這些人物事蹟訴諸文字漸漸成為趨勢。 基本上,在購買欲不振的年代還有出版社願意出版的傳記,勢必是被評估具有某種程度的市場趨勢,以及需要被書寫的價值,但是,唯有去除市場利益因素,一本傳記的剩餘價值才代表真正的存在價值,所以本論文試圖處理現存的圖書文本資料,擷取或知名、或獨特的作品進行析論,以釐清各類型運動員傳記特質,並以書中資訊結合現況,歸納成本研究結果。 Taiwan has always been a land of suffering. From the viewpoint of China, it is at the farthest east from across the sea and was once ceded. Moreover, Taiwan only asks to be content to retain sovereignty while strives to become a place where nationalism is its ultimate goal. In addition, Taiwanese people exert all their strength in extending diplomacy, in which they find the quickest way to reach that is through sports activities. Although China was sarcastically called “the East Asian Wimp,” the baseball team formed by students sent from Ching Dynasty to America such as Zhan Tian-You (詹天佑), famous for building railroads, and ambassador Lian Dun-Yan (梁敦彥), beat the Oakland Baseball Team in 1881. In other words, under such difficult intercontinental circumstances, glorifying their country seems to be the perpetual goal for Chinese athletes. With unfavorable international situation, Taiwan is often boycotted by all kinds of global organizations. Only through the notion of “politics is politics, sports are sports” can Taiwan get the chance to be admitted to those organizations, in which athletes hold the most important roles. However, unnoticeable bitterness is always there behind the outstanding appearance. In consequence, recording the deeds of those athletes in written languages has become a fashion in order to preserve the permanent value of their contributions and be the models of the masses. Basically, for biographies to be published in such low-consuming era, they must be assessed of embracing certain degree of market trend and the worth of being written down. Nevertheless, only through deleting the factors of marketing benefits can an autobiography presents its authentic existing value. As a result, this dissertation will try to manage and analyze present written data, well known or unique works so as to figure out the features of athletes of respective categories and to draw the final conclusion from combining with current situations. |