駕駛模擬器在交通安全研究中是一項很好的研究工具,可以用來探討人、車、環境三者間的關係。運研所自八十六年八月起進行駕駛模擬器相關之研究,歷經三個階段的發展,對於國內自行發展駕駛模擬器已獲得相當之研究成果。為求能讓駕駛模擬器有更大的發揮,因此本計畫規劃將模擬器搬遷至運研所內,進行軟硬體的擴充及應用研究,內容包括(1)駕駛模擬器系統的設計建置,並進行場地的空間規劃及視覺系統的設計。並在「八螢幕」的視覺系統規劃下,先完成駕駛座前方三連續螢幕及駕駛座正後方的螢幕架設;(2)駕駛模擬器軟、硬體的擴充及改善:以VRML進行歷年場景路段之整合及資料庫化管理。修改LVDS模組,提供彈性的參數輸出設定。改善油門、煞車及方向盤之力回饋效果及增設三個後照鏡。除加入古典沖淡演算法來加強平台運動效果,並利用3D動畫來表現平台之動作特色;(3)以駕駛模擬器進行「交通安全」及「駕駛行為」為主軸的應用研究,藉由趣味性、互動性的場景及實驗設計,以了解各項駕駛行為之資訊及評比,並整理研究成果,發表學術論文,以推廣駕駛模擬器之應用研究。 Driving simulator is a very useful tool in traffic safety study about the relationship among people, cars and environments. Since August 1997, IOT has started on the research of driving simulator. Through three developmental phases, they have already obtained some achievements. To expect more powerful contributions, IOT plan to transit the driving simulator to IOT and extend the simulation system. This project includes three parts. (1) To constitute a system of driving simulator, including space design and vision system design. In eight- screen design, this project will build the three continue screens in front of the cabin and one screen behind. (2) To improve the software and hardware of driving simulator. Integrate the scene designed during past few years by database. Modify the LVDS modules, and provide flexible coefficient export. Enhance the force feedback of steering wheel, throttle pedal, braking pedal and add three rear-view mirrors. Use washout algorithm to achieve better platform motion performance and employ 3D animation to demonstrate the characteristics of platform motion. (3) Experiments on driving simulator to study traffic safety and driving behavior with interesting and interactive scene to collect the data of operation. We hope that the gathering of the results and the following delivery can make the application of driving simulator popular. 研究期間:9207 ~ 9307